The timing of stock trades can be as important as the choice of equities to buy or sell. When trading volume is low, large purchases can drive up a stock’s price, raising costs for the trader. A...
Students in the ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ Desautels Master of Management in Finance (MMF) program showcased their financial prowess at the 7th Deloitte MMF Synergy Challenge on October 30.
Yelp’s restaurant review platform awards an ‘elite’ badge to top contributors, acknowledging their role in shaping user experiences. However, new research by Associate Professor Warut Khern-am-nuai...
Job seekers put their resumes out there to be judged by potential employers, but the evaluation goes both ways, says Lisa Cohen, Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour at ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ Desautels....
Shoeb Hosain, the Program Director of the Masters of Management in Analytics(MMA) at ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ Desautels, and the MMA team have launched an initiative to build a dynamic data analytics community. Over...
Alyssa Abruzzese (BCom‘23, GCPA’24) and Vivian Ly (BCom‘22, GCPA’24), students of the Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting (GCPA) program, have been selected among their graduating class...
Diversity is an essential ingredient in innovation, according to Emily Heitman, President of Schneider Electric Canada, the subsidiary of the global energy management firm. Diversity, equity and...
Writing in the early 19th century, the introspective British poet William Wordsworth coined the phrase ‘spots of time’ to describe the moments that are especially memorable and influential in one’s...
We live in an age that valorizes virality, where high-growth enterprises seek to go global in scale. But what works for Silicon Valley doesn’t necessarily work everywhere. In an article published...