
Research Group on Global Pasts Announces Works-in-Progress Workshop

Published: 24 April 2024

As a means of enhancing our scholarly community on campus, the Lin Centre’s Research Group on Global Pasts will organize an annual workshop to showcase ongoing research aligned with the core agenda of our research group. The workshop will consist of a series of short presentations on individual case studies (texts, events, objects, monuments, etc.) followed by group discussion. We are especially eager to involve graduate students in this workshop and to that end the RGGP will offer a series of Global Pasts student stipends to support graduate research.

Global Pasts Works-in-Progress Student Stipends

The Lin Centre’s research group on Global Pasts is pleased to offer, on a competitive basis, a limited number of stipends to support graduate student research that intersects with the core mission of the research group, as described on our website. Without delimiting a chronological scope strictly, we privilege projects with a focus pre-1500 and encourage innovative thinking between areas, eras, and disciplines. The stipends, set at $1,000 each, are intended for current MA or PhD students whose research aligns with the intellectual investments of the Global Pasts research group and who will be enrolled in the fall 2024 semester and on campus to participate in programming, including the works in progress workshop. Acceptance of the stipend represents a commitment to participate in Global Pasts Works-in-Progress Workshop, the date of which will be determined in consultation with the awards recipients.

Application Guidelines:

The application consists of a short research proposal of 500 words maximum and a copy of your CV. Proposals should include: (1) a brief description of the case study that you would like to share in the Works-in-Progress Workshop; (2) an explanation of how that case study fits within your broader graduate research agenda (and please specify your primary thesis supervisor); and (3) how that proposed case study fits the mandate of the Global Pasts research group. Priority will be given to proposals that articulate clear engagement with the intellectual investments of the Global Pasts research group.

Application materials should be addressed and sent to the co-directors of the research group, Professors Hilsdale (cecily.hilsdale [at] mcgill.ca) and Vankeerberghen (griet.vankeerberghen [at] mcgill.ca), by May 15, 2024.

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