
Architecture in Formation co-edited by Aaron Sprecher

Published: 20 November 2013

Prof. Aaron Sprecher's co-edited book (with Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa), Architecture in Formation: On the Nature of Information in Digital Architecture, has been published by Routledge, Taylor and Francis. Designed by , the bright yellow, 350-page tome features 48 contributions by a wide range of architects and researchers, including Prof. Martin Bressani, David Theodore (Assistant Prof., as of August 2014), and former Sheff Visiting Professor Michael Wen-Sen Su. Practitioners, historians and theorists explore how information processing informs and is informed by architecture, while experimental projects propose radical means to inform digital architecture. Book launches are currently planned in Montreal, New York, London, and Buenos Aires.

To visit the Architecture in Formation webpage on the Routledge, Taylor and Francis website, please click .

To view the book's flyer, please click here.

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