

Centre for Intellectual Property Policy launches Copyright Act wiki

Published: 13 June 2008

A great deal has been written recently about copyright reform in Canada. Canadians have all been reflecting on a variety of copyright-related issues, as these questions and controversies develop in both the traditional and digital media.

The Centre for Intellectual Property Policy (CIPP) has launched a radical project: a re-draft of the Copyright Act through a wiki platform. Until July 15, 2008, participants are invited to draft articles on pressing issues of copyright reform. ۲ݮƵ members of the CIPP wiki team have identified specific areas and articles of reform, but users are free to add others in the general comments section.

How to contribute

Tell us your story, and why that experience ought to be reflected in the Copyright Act. Or add a link to another site or text. While we are looking to produce a coherent Act for the immediate future, if the process works we might press the model into the service of more profound reform in the long term.

Amidst the rhetoric, there is a Canadian balance on the substance that ought to come through. You'll find that tone reflected in the wiki page: no bells and whistles, just text to help you reflect, and suggest.

The wiki will close on July 15, 2008. The resulting “wikified” Copyright Act and comments will then be posted on the CIPP website and shared with our members and subscribers.

for the Copyright wiki and help us reform the Copyright Act: we look forward to reading all contributions.

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