
On March 23, an agreement in principle was reached between the parties relative to outstanding CNESST claims and to the terms of a first collective agreement. The Union’s executive will submit the terms of the proposed collective agreement to members for ratification in the coming days. If ratified by the Union’s membership, the collective agreement will be in effect for three years following the date of its signature.

Classified as: Negotiation Updates, AMUSE, floor fellows
Published on: 30 Mar 2017

On February 17, the parties met in the presence of a conciliator appointed by the Ministry of Labour – their second such meeting. ۲ݮƵ presented the Union with a French translation of eight articles agreed upon by both parties in previous meetings, and the Union will review these texts in the coming days. The parties will work together with the aim of finalizing them at the next meeting.

Classified as: AMURE, Negotiation Updates
Published on: 22 Feb 2017

On February 7, Quebec’s Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale accepted AMURE’s request that an arbitrator be appointed to oversee negotiations. If AMURE and ۲ݮƵ cannot agree upon a choice of arbitrator by February 17, the Ministry will appoint one. An arbitrator is a neutral participant with a mandate to help both parties reach common ground. If an arbitrator determines that common ground cannot be achieved, she/he is also empowered to impose legally binding decisions on any outstanding points of contention.

Classified as: AMURE, Negotiation Updates
Published on: 13 Feb 2017

On February 9, following the filing of a request for an injunction by AMUSE / Floor Fellows, ۲ݮƵ and the Union appeared in Quebec Superior Court. The injunction, as requested by AMUSE / Floor Fellows, would have required ۲ݮƵ to immediately begin paying an hourly wage to Floor Fellows in addition to the free room and board which they currently receive. This request was denied by the Court. Another hearing date has been scheduled on May 5, 2017 to weigh the merits of the case more fully.

Classified as: Negotiation Updates, AMUSE
Published on: 10 Feb 2017

On February 6, representatives of the Union and ۲ݮƵ met in the presence of the Arbitrator appointed by the Ministry of Labour, to establish their positions and discuss next steps for negotiations on a first collective agreement. This meeting was held following ۲ݮƵ’s decision not to endorse an agreement that includes both free room & board and wages for work performed.

Classified as: Negotiation Updates, AMUSE
Published on: 8 Feb 2017

On January 30th, the Association of ۲ݮƵ University Support Employees (AMUSE/Casuals) / Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and ۲ݮƵ University signed a new collective agreement. This is the second collective agreement with this unit and it will last 40 months with an expiry date of May 31st, 2020.

The negotiation of this collective agreement took place over a period of 18 months, in which there were 24 negotiation meetings. Eleven of these meetings were held with the assistance of a conciliator appointed by the Ministry of Labour.

Classified as: Negotiation Updates, AMUSE
Published on: 1 Feb 2017

The Union and University representatives met on December 19, 2016.

As a follow-up to previous meetings, the University made several written proposals relative to: Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination; Health and Safety; Work Accidents; Postings, Appointments and Reappointments; and Probationary Periods.

The parties reached an agreement and ratified the texts of the articles relative to Work Accidents and Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination.

Classified as: AMURE, Negotiation Updates
Published on: 22 Dec 2016

Some ۲ݮƵians have shared concerns about the impact of the government’s ruling on postdocs – specifically regarding the classification of some ۲ݮƵ postdocs as employees, and the payroll deductions and employer fees that this classification entails. ۲ݮƵshares many of these concerns. And while we must abide by provincial law and apply these changes, we hope to at least clarify the situation as best we can.

Published on: 9 Dec 2016

The parties met on November 4 and 11. They shared their objectives and constraints related to the posting mechanisms for positions of research associates, research assistants and casual research assistants.

They discussed topics such as centralized posting tools, priority for ۲ݮƵ employees, employee selection criteria, duration of contracts, advice for employees who are relocating/have relocated from other countries, availability list and several other topics related to staffing activities.

Classified as: AMURE, Negotiation Updates
Published on: 7 Dec 2016

The parties met on November 14, 15 and 25 in the presence of the arbitrator appointed by the ministère du Travail. The employer presented for review by the union the bilingual version of the text agreed on pertaining to the grievance procedure, as well as of the article related to the drafting of the collective agreement.

Classified as: Negotiation Updates, AMUSE, floor fellows
Published on: 2 Dec 2016

The Association of ۲ݮƵ University Research Employees (AMURE) unit representing postdoctoral researchers and ۲ݮƵ University have agreed on all aspects of a first collective agreement. The final elements were agreed on at a meeting the two parties held on November25.

The University will soon submit the tentative agreement for approval to ۲ݮƵ’s senior leadership. The union and the University will then finalize the text of the agreement and the union will submit it to the vote of its membership at a date to be communicated later.

Classified as: AMURE, Negotiation Updates, postdoctoral researchers, tentative agreement
Published on: 25 Nov 2016

The Association of ۲ݮƵ University Support Employees (AMUSE/Casuals)/Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and ۲ݮƵ University have agreed on all aspects of a new collective agreement.

The final elements were agreed on at a meeting the two parties held earlier today, in the presence of the conciliator appointed by the ministère du Travail.

Classified as: Negotiation Updates, AMUSE, casual employees, tentative agreement
Published on: 25 Nov 2016

The parties met for a full day on November 18 in the presence of the conciliator appointed by the ministère du Travail.

They discussed the non-monetary elements that had not been resolved yet, as well as the monetary elements. Several proposals and counter-proposals were made and progress was achieved.

The parties agreed to meet again on Friday, November 25.

This update is meant to inform the community about ongoing negotiations and has been validated by the union.

Classified as: Negotiation Updates, AMUSE, casual employees
Published on: 21 Nov 2016

The parties met on November 7 and ratified the articles that had been agreed on at the previous meeting. These account for a significant portion of the agreement under negotiation. Three more articles – pertaining to grievances, disciplinary measures and termination notices – were discussed, agreed to and ratified. A few remaining articles still need to be discussed.

The next meeting is set for November 21.

This update is meant to inform the community about ongoing negotiations and has been validated by the union.

Classified as: AMURE, Negotiation Updates, postdoctoral researchers
Published on: 16 Nov 2016

The parties met on November 10 in the presence of the conciliator appointed by the ministère du Travail.

The employer submitted as planned a global offer that includes its proposals on the granting of ۲ݮƵ ID cards and the Work Study program, as well as its proposal on the various monetary elements.

The parties discussed the monetary proposal, after which the union submitted a counter-proposal on the monetary elements and the Work Study program.

Classified as: Negotiation Updates, AMUSE, casual employees
Published on: 15 Nov 2016


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