« On ne peut pas continuer comme ça ».
Prévention du suicide: mieux accompagner les personnes à risque.
Many Montrealers feel profiled during police traffic stops, study shows.
Analyser le profil psychologique de Myles Sanderson.
De plus en plus d'adeptes du microdosage de drogues?
The Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé has announced the recipients of salary awards on April 27. Congratulations to Drs. Mallar Chakravarty, Mahsa Dadar, Simon Ducharme, Michael Lifshitz, Corina Nagy, Geneviève Sauvé, Jai Shah, Eszter Szekely, Rob Whitley, recipients of the FRQS Chercheurs-Boursier awards!
The awardees and their respective projects can be found
Microdosage de drogues, une solution magique? |
The Department of Psychiatry is inviting students and trainees who have published an addiction-related paper to apply for the 2023 Leyton Addiction Research Prize. Each year a prize of $1,000 is awarded to the trainee who has published the best addictions-related paper. The recipient of the Leyton Addiction Research Prize will be announced at Student Research Day in the spring of 2023.
Petit guide à l’intention des parents (et de leur entourage)
Suicide prevention: Protective factors can build hope and mitigate risks
Santé mentale et réseaux sociaux : gare aux préjugés.
Les tueries de masse sont-elle amenées à se multiplier?
Québec Homicides: Mode ou Contagion?

Scientists have gained new insights into the part of the brain that gives us a sense of direction, by tracking neural activity with the latest advances in brain imaging techniques. The findings shed light on how the brain orients itself in ۲ݮƵ environments – and even the processes that can go wrong with degenerative diseases like dementia, that leave people feeling lost and confused.
The Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec announced Dr. Rosemarie Chénard-Soucy as this year's winner of the Marthe-Pelland Award. This award recognizes the commitment of a young physician in associative or public affairs in order to encourage women at the beginning of their career to aim for leadership positions. Congratulations Dr. Chénard-Soucy!
Dr. Howard Margolese received an Étoile CODE-ViE from the Montreal General Hospital Foundation. This recognition program was introduced by the MUHC Foundation to honor positive impact of care by doctors, nurses, and hospital staff at the MUHC. Congratulations Dr. Margolese!
Être trans.
L'engagement social des médecins spécialistes.