
۲ݮƵ Management Insights: Kickstart Your Career with Tanya Ezekiel (BCom’93)

Tanya Ezekiel (BCom’93)Tanya Ezekiel is a performance-driven executive coach with a diverse background. She started her career as a bond options trader at Salomon Brothers and later became a Managing Director at Bank of America. Her finance experience proved valuable, especially early in her journey.

In 2010, Tanya founded Conductive, a coaching and talent management advisory firm. At Conductive, she helps leaders and teams communicate, interact, and perform at their highest level.

She joins undergraduate student Raine Yan Tse in this episode of ۲ݮƵ Management Insights to share her expertise on how to get ahead at any stage of your career, including how to make networking work for you.

“I kind of keep networking simple,” she explains. “First of all, I don't love the word I'll be honest, because we have such a connotation to it. Nobody gets excited about it. [It’s] almost like we make it a chore, like it's work.”

Approaching networking in a more flexible, open-minded way can go a long way toward making the experience feel like less of a chore. It can be as simple as setting up a few coffee chats with alumni working in fields that interest you and just seeing where that can lead.

“Sometimes we get so goal oriented on our networking that we lose the fun, and we lose the authenticity in it,” she says. “So, if I say to you, you know what, just have two lunches and three coffees every week. I don't even care who it's with. That's it. If I gave you that tip, I promise you, within three months you would come back to me and say, ‘I cannot believe what happened.’”

She also shares her thoughts on when to consider a change in role or industry or a jump towards entrepreneurship, tips for managing relationships and managing a budget as a new grad, and the value of asking for help from a coach or mentor.

Tune into this latest episode of ۲ݮƵ Management Insights for all these tips and more!

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This episode was hosted by

Raine Yan Tse

Raine Yan Tse
BCom, 26

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