

Study: Lots of suspicious trading, but not many convictions

According to a new study, insider trading often occurs during merger and acquisitions and is rarely punished. BNN takes a closer look with one of the report's co-authors, Patrick Augustin, Assistant Professor of Finance, Desautels Faculty of Management, ۲ݮƵ University. Watch full video: Business News Network

Published: 24 Jul 2014

Lettre Ouverte aux Investisseurs Irresponsables

J’ai toujours considéré l’investissement et la Bourse comme l’une des activités humaines parmi les plus stimulantes qui soient.

Published: 17 Jul 2014

Two Groundbreaking Academic Mergers & Acquisitions Studies Win IRRC Institute Investor Research Award at Millstein Governance Forum

Two academic research papers that promise to spark new scrutiny of corporate actions such as mergers and acquisitions have won the prestigious Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute (IRRCi) annual investor research competition that focuses on the interaction of the real economy with investment theory. The winning research teams will be presented with a $10,000 award for each paper:

Published: 12 Jun 2014

A Europe losing cohesion

Ever since France's defeat in 1870-1 in the Franco-Prussian war, when military strength was identified with numerical superiority, demography, language and culture have become permanent parts of, and, at times, the focus of French politics. 

Published: 4 Jun 2014

And the Next Star Fund Manager Is…

Finding a mutual-fund manager who can beat the market is tough. Winners flame out. Losers revive. The resurgent losers flame out again.

No wonder low-cost index-based exchange-traded funds and mutual funds—which seek only to mimic the return of a designated slice of the market—have eclipsed actively managed funds as the investment of choice for many people.

Published: 21 Jan 2014

"Incentives, Capital Budgeting, and Organizational Structure," Journal of Economics and Management Strategy

Authors: De Motta, Adolfo; Ortega, Jaime A.

Publication: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, December 2013


Published: 8 Nov 2013


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