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06: ѴDzԳٰé

Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

Project 4


A first step towards a career in the Montreal health and social services network


Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de ѴDzԳٰé


Within this project, the Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de ѴDzԳٰé works in partnership with Jeunes explorateurs d’un jour and Valorisation Jeunesse to organize promotional internship tours in schools. It will also establish partnerships with two school boards: the Lester B. Pearson School Board and the English Montreal School Board. 


The regional project implemented by the Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de ѴDzԳٰé is intended for all public and private health and social services institutions registered in the English language access program.   


As part of the Training and Retention of Health Professionals Project’s Retention Program, the Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de ѴDzԳٰé has set out to make internship promotion a tool for recruiting the next generation of competent healthcare professionals by using regional developmental actions with institutions from the health and social services network.  The Agency seeks long-term benefits by sparking the interest of English-speaking students in professions in the Montreal health and social services network. To meet this objective:

The Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de ѴDzԳٰé proposes promoting two programs among Anglophone high school students: Valorisation Jeunesse and Jeunes Explorateurs d’un jour.

The Valorisation Jeunesse program, which is already well established in Francophone schools in Montreal, seeks to give access to paid summer internships easier for visible minority students by sparking their interest in health and social services professions. The agency’s project includes, for 2011-2012, the translation of existing documents which will be provided by Valorisation Jeunesse, and a promotional tour of English-speaking school boards. The Agence will also provide support to health and social services institutions to develop pathways to help students discover various professions. These awareness activities will lead to the creation of paid summer internships for fifth-year high school students in institutions targeted by the network in 2012-2013. Five six-week internships are planned.

As part of its partnership with the Jeunes explorateurs d’un jour program, the Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de ѴDzԳٰé will organize shadowing programs that will allow fourth and fifth year Anglophone high school students to discover a profession within the health and social services network. The project includes, for 2011-2012, the translation of existing documents provided by the Jeunes Explorateurs d’un jour program, and the organization of a promotional tour in English-speaking school boards and network institutions in order to create fifty shadowing programs at the beginning of 2012-2013.

BUDGET ALLOCATED FOR 2011-2012: $10,000

BUDGET ALLOCATED FOR 2012-2013: $20,900


During the first stage of its regional project (2011-2012), the Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de ѴDzԳٰé translated into English several promotional documents for the Jeunes Explorateurs d'un Jour (JEUJ): the , Student Guide, Powerpoint_presentation about the organization, enrolment form, a letter to parents, a poster, a pamphlet, certificate of participation, etc. Faced with logistical constraints related to the December 31, 2012 deadline, the agency could not finance the day long internships planned in 2012. It has, therefore, concentrated its efforts on translating the and on translating and formatting other important documents that had not yet been translated such as the online enrolment request, participant motivation letter, partnership agreement for participating schools, Guide for school personel, a reminder, , Intern's preparation form, Tasks for school personnel, Instructions for students, Evaluation form, Contract: secondary school, Contract: college level, etc. Finally, the agency printed the English versions of various promotional tools such as posters, inserts, guides, etc. These new tools will assist the Journée Jeunes Explorateurs d’un Jour, which will be organized in 2013, and help the organization maintain a continuous relationship with students from English-speaking educational institutions.

ACTUAL EXPENSES 2011-2012: $10,000

ACTUAL EXPENSES 2012-2013: $20,863.93



Discovery Process in the Anglophone Academic Environment, Region 06, to Create Internship Opportunities at the CDC-IUD


Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de ѴDzԳٰé


Centre Dollard-Cormier — Institut universitaire sur les dépendances (CDC-IUD)


The CDC-IUD’s exploratory process will allow it to, among other things, identify its future internship partners. The Centre has already developed a partnership with ۲ݮƵ University.


As part of this project, the CDC-IUD specifically intends to develop relationships with English-speaking educational institutions in the following disciplines: Technical training – special education, delinquency intervention, social work, nursing; at the Bachelor/Master level – social work, psychology, criminology, psychoeducation, career counselling, nursing.


The Centre Dollard-Cormier provides rehabilitation services to individuals battling substance abuse, gambling addiction and cyberaddiction, as well as to their friends and family. Requests for assistance in English are focused mainly on emergency addiction and court evaluation services. In order to better serve this clientele, the CDC-IUD wants to increase awareness about its services among English-speaking educational institutions in its administrative region, and its availability as an internship site for students who are able to meet the needs of an English-speaking population. In addition, it wants to develop relationships with these educational institutions. To meet this objective:

In 2012-2013, the CDC-IUD will begin an exploratory process aimed at becoming better acquainted with English-language educational institutions in its region and at creating an environment conducive to taking on interns who can meet the needs of the English-speaking population. The primary activities planned are production and distribution of a promotional document, a visit to the targeted educational institutions with a presentation about the Centre Dollard-Cormier and a “Happy Hour” organized for students so that they can visit the Centre and learn about its operations.

BUDGET ALLOCATED FOR 2012-2013: $12,500


Project was cancelled.



Facilitating and Promoting Integration of Interns and Bilingual Staff to Improve Access to English-Language Services at the Montreal Heart Institute 


Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de ѴDzԳٰé


Montreal Heart Institute


The Montreal Heart Institute is assured of the collaboration of all concerned internal departments and of an outside firm for translation services.


The Montreal Heart Institute project specifically targets students who are able to communicate in English and French, currently training in English-language institutions and seeking internships, as well as graduates seeking employment.  It also considers internship supervisors’ and managers’ needs.


Traditionally, the Montreal Heart Institute accepts interns who are able to communicate in English and French in clinical or fundamental research or in surgery and medicine. As part of the A Bridge to Hiring program, the Institute wants to expand its pool of interns from English-language educational institutions by developing new partnerships with these institutions and by encouraging better visibility for the Institute as an internship site and as an employer of choice for student interns able to communicate in English and French.  To meet this objective:

First, the Montreal Heart Institute intends to identify relevant, priority sectors and target educational institutions that provide training in these sectors. To increase its visibility with these institutions, the Institute wants to participate in various job fairs during the fall of 2012. It will also create an English and French version of the promotion, recruitment and internship opportunities sections of its website and of its information brochure about internships and employment opportunities at the Institute. Finally, in September 2012, the Institute plans to draft its external job postings in both languages. Internally, the Institute intends to develop a welcome structure to facilitate the integration of interns and new employees who can communicate in English and French by identifying resource people among clinical instructors and internship supervisors and by translating, publishing and distributing learning tools and the intern welcome manual.

BUDGET ALLOCATED FOR 2012-2013: $12,500


As part of its commitment to expand its partnerships with English-speaking educational institutions and open its intern pool from these educational institutions to new sectors, the Montreal Heart Institute participated in three career fairs during 2012-2013: two at ۲ݮƵ University (10-26-12 and 3-1-13) and one at Dawson College (2-26-13).It took on two nursing interns from ۲ݮƵ University for 45 days. To increase its visibility with these institutions, the Institute also published an information brochure on internship and employment opportunities. The institution is currently revamping its website and has not been able to translate its promotions, recruitment and internship offerings sections into English, as it had originally planned. To make managers aware of the importance of diversifying recruitment sources, an information email was sent to them and a meeting was held with managers from key sectors. Finally, with the ongoing aim of improving service accessibility for English speakers, the Institute created a directory of its English-speaking staff.\

ACTUAL EXPENSES 2012-2013: $3,264



Training for Work at the CSSS de Dorval-Lachine-LaSalle / Former pour travailler au CSSS de Dorval-Lachine-LaSalle 


Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de ѴDzԳٰé


Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Dorval-Lachine-LaSalle


The CSSS de Dorval-Lachine-LaSalle has partnered with ۲ݮƵ University’s School of Nursing and School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, to support new internship recruitment and development activities.


The CSSS de Dorval-Lachine-Lasalle's project mainly targets nursing students in the community sector.  It also targets occupational therapy students in hospitals and long-term care facilities to fill a significant recruiting shortage. Finally, it includes activities for internship supervisors.


The CSSS de Dorval-Lachine-LaSalle’s clientele is very multiethnic and has a high proportion of English speakers. The institution’s goal is to promote intern retention in key sectors by instituting a recruitment program for interns graduating from university. More specifically, it aims to create a sense of institutional belonging among students and hopes to make them its ambassadors to future interns able to meet the needs of its English-speaking clientele. To meet this objective:

First, the CSSS de Dorval-Lachine-LaSalle will liberate professionals to supervise interns, thereby creating new opportunities to accommodate students. More specifically, the Institution is planning five nursing internships and one occupational therapy internship for fall 2012. The CSSS project also includes financial support for the supervisors and a training day for them at the Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec. To support these activities, the CSSS wants to produce promotional documents and a welcome brochure for new interns.

BUDGET ALLOCATED FOR 2012-2013: $12,500


Exceeding the objectives it set for the Un pont vers l’embauche program, the CSSS de Dorval-Lachine-LaSalle welcomed six Bachelor of Nursing interns and one Masters in Occupational Therapy intern from ۲ݮƵ University. The nursing internships lasted thirty days and the occupational therapy internship lasted forty days. In addition, the institution supported professionals who agreed to supervise internships by giving seven supervisors two days of make-up time and entrusting one manager (nursing, professional practices or physical health), rather than a supervisor, with (1) organizing welcome meetings with interns to introduce them to the CSSS, (2) following up with the ۲ݮƵ nursing instructor, and (3) monitoring coaching and internship adjustment needs. As part of the program, the CSSS also invested in the purchase of promotional materials (lunch bags, pencils). Finally, with a focus on promoting employment, individual meetings were held with each student to assess their interest in working with the CSSS and to inform them of available positions.

ACTUAL EXPENSES 2012-2013: $12,500

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