
Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for 21st Century Teaching and Learning: A Learning Communities Model

Quebec students need an educational model that transcends the industrial and even information model to focus on the transfer of knowledge to real world contexts and problem solving that is interdisciplinary, creative and innovative (Friesen & Jardine, 2009; Partnership for 21st century learning, n.d.).

C21 Canada (2012) called for immediate action by Faculties of Education to instruct and model “modern instructional practices, including the teaching of 21st Century competencies” (p. 17). This research project is a response to the national call by professional development by integrating 21st century learning into student teachers’ academic training as well as to model innovative, collaborative and creative strategies for the construction of flexible, interdisciplinary learning environments.

To reimagine education, teacher training requires a paradigm shift that goes beyond teaching students answers instead teaching them “how to ask the right questions, evaluate information critically, and communicate effectively” (Action Canada, 2013, p. 4). My research employs Collaborative Inquiry to investigate how participation in a learning community during school based field placements impacts student teachers’ and cooperating teachers’ co-constructed understanding and enactment of 21st century pedagogy.

The purpose of this learning community will be to collaboratively identify, discuss, and interrogate pedagogical choices that are aligned with the principles of 21st century learning in Lindsay Place High School’s STEAM2 program. The STEAM2 programme is a thematic approach to 21st century learning that includes Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics & MپԲ.

Lisa Starr, PhD
(514) 398-4527 ext. 00957
Department of Integrated Studies in Education
3700 McTavish, Room 323
۲ݮƵ University
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1Y2

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