
Participants Needed for Domestic Violence Research

Published: 18 November 2022

This is an invitation to participate in Asra Milani’s doctoral research exploring the experiences of survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) also known as domestic violence about accessing and using psychological and social support services for IPV.

This study is supervised by Dr. Ada Sinacore and explores both survivors and service providers’ views.

Criteria to participate in the study include anyone who:

  1.  is a registered mental health professional and service provider
  2.  has at least five years of experience
  3.  has worked with survivors of IPV


  1.  has experienced IPV in the past ten years
  2.  is safe and has already left the abusive relationship
  3.  is between 18 and above years of age
  4.  has access to and used psychological and social support services for IPV

Compensation of $25 will be given to appreciate your participation in an online 60–90-minute interview.

Your participation in the study would contribute to understanding survivors' help-seeking and enhancing services.

Please contact the researcher to participate in the study: asra.milani [at] mail.mcgill.ca

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