
Cristina Plamadeala

Cristina Plamadeala
Contact Information
Email address: 
cristina.plamadeala [at] mail.mcgill.ca
SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow
Areas of interest: 

Surveillance; history of communism; Eastern European Studies; cultural studies of archives


Joint-doctorate: Concordia University & Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociale, 2019 
MA, Concordia University, 2015
MA, Harvard University, 2008
BSFS, Georgetown University, 2005

Current research: 

Cristina Plamadeala is a post-doctoral fellow working on two projects: As part of this fellowship, I am working on two research projects that build on my previous research carried out during my doctoral studies. My first project is a book under contract with Routledge. The manuscript undertakes a cultural history of the Securitate Archives by situating itself at the crossroads of Romania’s communist past, espionage, institutional life, literature, and art. The book also attempts to draw parallels between two seemingly different worlds—Communist Romania (1945-89) and today’s neo-liberal societies. My second project offers new empirical studies,  frameworks,  and  concepts  for  studying  the  crucial importance of dossiers in contemporary ‘surveillance societies.’ I am the lead editor of this edited volume under contract with the University of Toronto Press. This book is also one of the first undertakings of the , which I founded in  2019.  

Selected publications: 

Cristina Plamadeala and Cristian Tileaga. “.” East European Politics & Societies and Cultures. Published on October 5, 2021.

Cristina Plamadeala. “The Securitate File as a Record of Psuchegraphy” Biography, Vol. 42, Nr. 3, special issue on “Biographic Mediation: The Uses of Disclosure in Bureaucracy and Politics,” Vol. 42, Nr. 3, pp. 536-56.

Cristina Plamadeala. “Dossierveillance in Communist Romania: Collaboration with the Securitate, 1945-1989” in Rob Heynen and Emily van der Meulen, eds. Making Surveillance States: Transnational Histories, University of Toronto Press, 2019, pp. 215-236.

Cristina Plamadeala. Currents in Theology and Mission Journal, (April 2018) 45:2, 34-37.

Cristina Plamadeala. “” in Archiva Moldaviae, Volume VIII, (2016), 215-251.

Cristina Plamadeala. “,” in Eurostudia (2015) vol. 1 (1): 125-141.

Cristina Plamadeala. “Viața Mitropolitului Antonie Plămădeală în decursul anilor 1950-1960, așa cum a fost înfățișată în romanul său semi-autobiografic Trei Ceasuri în Iad și în scrisorile adresate familiei Ciobanu în această perioadă”, [The life of Antonie Plamadeala in the 1950s-1960s, as depicted in his semi-autobiographical novel Trei Ceasuri in Iad and in his letters written in this period to the Ciobanu family written in these two decades] in [Confessors of Orthodoxy during the communist regime. Studies and reflections]. Mihail-Simion Sasaujan. ed. Editura Cuvantul Vietii, the Romanian Patriarchate, 2018, pp. 171-184.

Cristina Plamadeala. “The life of Antonie Plămădeală and of his family in the decade (1944-1954) following their refuge to Romania from Bessarabia” in Cosmin Budeanca, Dalia Bathory (eds.) Munster, Germany: LIT Verlag, 2017, 202-221. Book chapter published in Romanian in Cosmin Budeanca and Dalia Bathory, eds. (2019). Istorii (Ne)spuse. Strategii de supravietuire si integrare socioprofesionala in familiile fostilor detinuti politici din Europa Central si de Est in aniii ’50-’60, Iasi: Editura Polirom.

Book reviews:

Cristina Plamadeala. Review of Valentina Glajar, Alison Lewis and Corina L. Petrescu, eds. Secret Police Files from the Eastern Bloc: Between Surveillance and Life Writing. Rochester: Camden House, 2016, 237 pages. ISBN 978-1-57113-926-9, Journal of Biography, Vol. 43, Nr. 2, (2020), pp. 474-476.


Creative non-fiction (book)

[Maria’s Dream], Editura Eikon, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2014.

Lectures, presentations & interviews:

  1. „Incursiune în viaţa şi activitatea Mitropolitului Antonie Plămădeală [On the life and work of the Metropolitan Antonie Plamadeala] Braila, Romania. Symposium organized by the Carol I Museum, Braila, June 20, 2015.
  2. Interview with Paul Faltay. “”. 23 April, 2021. Lavits.org.
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