W. Robert J. Funnell

Academic title(s): 

Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Associate Professor, Otolaryngology
Associate Member, Pediatric Surgery
Associate Member, Electrical and Computer Engineering

W. Robert J. Funnell
Contact Information
Email address: 
robert.funnell [at] mcgill.ca

BEng, MEng, PhD (McG.), Eng.

Current research: 
  1. Middle-ear mechanics.ÌýThe overall objective is to address key clinical issues related to hearing loss. The specific objectives are to (1) obtain more accurate and more detailed information from screening and diagnostic tests, especially in infants; and (2) design better techniques for repairing middle ears. The approach is to do both experimental work and computer modelling. The interpretation and synthesis of the experimental data is addressed using finite-element models.
  2. Three-dimensional modelling of complex natural structures.ÌýThe objective is to develop innovative approaches to the creation of computer-based 3-D models of complex natural objects, for the purposes of both visualization and simulation. The emphasis is on the creation of high-quality finite-element models for complex structures consisting of multiple heterogeneous substructures.
  3. 3-D models for teaching.ÌýThe current emphasis is on the use of interactive 3-D models for teaching anatomy.
Language(s) spoken: 
Selected publications: 


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