
Digital storytelling and video game-based mental-health interventions

13 Dec 2022

Besides offering pure entertainment, video games can provide players with a sense of community and help them with stress management, all while improving skills such as communication, cognitive...

New drug offers hope for the treatment of anorexia

29 Nov 2022

Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia affect up to 10% of the population and are very difficult to treat. Anorexia carries the highest mortality rate of all mental-health disorders, but...

Neural correlates of social cognitive deficits in schizophrenia patients with and without cannabis use

26 Oct 2022

There is evidence of an association between regular cannabis use and psychotic symptoms disorders, both in general population and in individual with schizophrenia. Although studies have shown a...

Exploring the path to academia

21 Oct 2022

From May to August 2022, researchers funded by Healthy Brains, Healthy Lives (HBHL) hosted students interested in brain and mental health research as part of the Indigenous Mentorship and Paid...

Charting out a ‘Google Maps’ for the brain

6 Oct 2022

Are you old enough to remember carrying a paper map around? Have you wondered what ever happened to MapQuest? While these tools haven’t disappeared at all, they’ve long been overshadowed by Google...

The Art of Science Communication

4 Oct 2022

Intersectoral performance-art collective unites research knowledge and lived experience of neurodegenerative disease.

NeuroHub: Advancing Open Science

18 Nov 2020

The rise of “big data” research has offered researchers unprecedented methods of working with enormous amounts of data to address complex questions in many fields. Working with information at this...

Young Brains on Cannabis: Making Science Accessible

9 Jun 2020

Following the recent legalization of cannabis in Canada, neuroscience research exploring the links between its use and brain development has come into the public eye more than ever. For the those...


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