Publications 2021-2022 des membres de l’Institut d’éducation en sciences de la santé

Ces deux dernières années, les membres de l’Institut d’éducation en sciences de la santé (IÉSS) ont travaillé sur une variété de sujets. Avec une nouvelle année qui commence, nous prenons le temps de mettre en lumière quelques-unes des publications de nos membres. Les sujets reliés à la pédagogie de la médecine et des sciences de la santé qui y ont été abordés comprennent :

  • Enseignement pour la justice sociale
  • ÉquitĂ©, Ă©thique, diversitĂ© et inclusion en Ă©ducation
  • Systèmes de santĂ© et politiques sanitaires
  • Enseignement des professions en santĂ© mondiale
  • Technologie pĂ©dagogique
  • MĂ©dias sociaux en pĂ©dagogie
  • Histoire, fondements et concepts en Ă©ducation des sciences de la santĂ©
  • COVID-19
  • Innovations en Ă©ducation et apprentissage
  • Innovations en conception de programmes d’études
  • Évaluation des apprentissages et des programmes
  • Enseignement de la chirurgie
  • Enseignement de l’anatomie
  • Formation par simulation
  • RĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle
  • Apprentissage virtuel
  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Apprentissage en milieu de travail
  • Formation professorale
  • Formation des prĂ©cepteurs et prĂ©ceptrices
  • Raisonnement clinique
  • Formation de l’identitĂ© professionnelle
  • Pratique fondĂ©e sur des donnĂ©es probantes
  • Production de connaissances professionnelles
  • Mise en application des connaissances
  • Approche par compĂ©tences
  • Soins holistiques prodiguĂ©s avec compassion
  • Sagesse pratique



Prenez note que les articles présentés ci-dessous sont en anglais.

Éthique, équité et justice sociale

Razack S, Naidu T. Honouring the multitudes: Removing structural racism in medical education. The Lancet. 2022 December;400(10368):2021-2023.

Razack S, de Carvalho Filho MA, Merlo G, Agbor-Baiyee W, de Groot J, Reynolds PP. Privilege, social justice and the goals of medicine: Towards a critically conscious professionalism of solidarity. Perspectives on Medical Education. 2022 March 07;11:67-69.

Thambinathan V. & Kinsella E. A. When I say ... anti-racist praxis. Medical Education. 2022;1-3 (Online early).

Leduc J. M., Kpadé V., Bizimungu S, Bourget M, Gauthier I, Bourdy, C. & Razack, S. Black students applying and admitted to medicine in the province of Quebec, Canada: what do we know so far? Canadian Medical Education Journal/Revue canadienne de l'éducation médicale. 2021 August 18;12(6), 78-81.

LeBlanc, S. & Kinsella, E. A. “Come and share your story and make everyone cry”: Complicating service user educator storytelling in health professional education. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2022 September 08 (Online early).

Mellett J, Macdonald ME. Medical assistance in dying in hospice: A qualitative study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. 2022 January 25. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2021-003191

Atsaidis Z, Antel R, Guadagno E, Wiseman J, Poenaru D. Understanding the effectiveness of consent processes and conversations in pediatric surgery: A systematic-scoping review. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2022 December;57(12):834-844.

Yamuragiye, A., Wylie, L., Kinsella, E.A., Donelle, L. A scoping review of interprofessional collaboration in hospital-based obstetric care, with a particular focus on Africa. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice. 2021 September;24(100456).


Technologie pédagogique

Arora, A., RodrĂ­guez, C., Carver, T. Teper, M., Rojas-Rozo, L. Schuster, T. Evaluating usability in blended learning programs within health professions education: A scoping review. Medical Science Education. 2021 May 19;31(3):1213-1246.

Lubarsky S, Thomas A. Thinking inside the box: Using old tools to solve new problems in virtual learning. Medical Education. 2020 October 9;55(1):108-111.

Giroux, C. Nursing students’ use of social media in their learning: a case study of a Canadian School of Nursing. BMC Nursing. 2022 July 22;21(1), 195.


Systèmes de santé et politiques sanitaires

Nugus P, Travaglia J, MacGinley M, et al. Conceptual foundations of organizational structure: Re-structuring of women’s health services. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 2022 March 25;36(3):332-350.

Young ME, Balmer DF, Teal CR, Borges NJ. Coordinating flight paths to facilitate inter-organizational cooperation, interdependence, and autonomy: Considerations for organizations supporting medical education research and scholarship. Academic Medicine. November 2022;97(11S): S8-S10.

Sandal S, Horton A, Loban K, Nugus P, et al. 244.10: Health system barriers and facilitators to living donor kidney transplantation: A Tale of two states with the highest and lowest rates. Transplantation. 2022 September;106(9S):S151.

Lou, N. M., Montreuil, T. C., Feldman, L., Fried, G., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., Bhanji, F., Kennedy, H., Kaneva, P., Drouin, S., & Harley, J.M. Evaluations of healthcare providers’ perceived support from personal, hospital, and system resources: Implications for well-being and management in healthcare in Montreal, Quebec during COVID-19. Evaluation & the Health Professions. 2021 April 27;44(3):319-322.

Adams A. Looking around: The architecture of medical education. In: Gavrus D, Lamb S, editors. Transforming Medical Education: Historical Case Studies of Teaching, Learning, and Belonging in Medicine. Montreal: ÎŰÎ۲ÝÝ®ĘÓƵ-Queen’s Press; 2022. p.330-360.



Moore F, Bouhadoun S, Buyukkurt A, Lubarsky, S. Don’t make the best of it, make it better: Matching to residency programs during COVID-19. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. 2021 January; 48(1). 3-4.

RodrĂ­guez C, Rahimzadeh V, Bartlett-Esquilant, Carver T. Insights for teaching during a pandemic: Lessons from a pre-COVID-19 international synchronous hybrid learning experience. Family Medicine. 2022 June;54(6):471-476.

Harley JM, Montreuil TC, Mantou Lou N, Feldman LS, Fried GM, Lavoie-Tremblay M, Bhanji F, Kennedy H. Rethinking how health care professionals cope with stress: A process model for COVID-19 and beyond. Health Care Management Review. 47(4):350-359, 10/12 2022.

Ten Cate O, Schultz K, Frank JR, Hennus MP, Ross S, Schumacher DJ, Snell L, Whelan AJ, Young JQ. Questioning medical competence: Should the COVID-19 crisis affect the goals of medical education? Medical Teacher. 2021 May 27;43(7):817-823.

Lou, NM, Montreuil T, Feldman L, Fried G, Lavoie-Tremblay M, Bhanji F, Kennedy H, Kaneva P, Harley J. Nurses’ and physicians’ distress, burnout, and coping strategies during COVID-19 stress and impact on perceived performance and intentions to quit. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2022 January 1;42(1):e44-e52.


Innovations en Ă©ducation et apprentissage

Plotnick LH, Sternszus R, Macdonald ME, Steinert Y. Engaging retired physicians as educators: Motivations and experiences of participants in a novel educational program. Academic Medicine. 2022 December;97(12):1841-1846.

Cohen A, Steinert Y, Ruano-Cea E. Teaching medical students to teach: A narrative review and literature-informed recommendations for student-as-teacher curricula. Academic Medicine. 2022 June;97(6):909-922.

Li, S., Zheng, J., Lajoie, S. P. & Wiseman, J. Examining the relationship between emotion variability, self-regulated learning, and task performance in an intelligent tutoring system. Educational Technology Research and Development. 2021 March 15;69(2):673-692.

Harrison H, Kinsella, EA, DeLuca S, Loftus S. “We know what they’re struggling with”: Student peer mentors’ embodied perceptions of teaching in a health professional education mentorship program. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2021 October 21;27:63-86.

Arnaert, A., Di Feo, M., Wagner, M., Primeau, G., Aubé, T., Constantinescu, A., & Lavoie-Tremblay, M. Nurse Preceptors’ Experiences of an Online Strength-Based Nursing Course in Clinical Teaching. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. 2022 Jan 13; doi:10.1177/08445621211073439.

Boudreau JD, Cassell EJ. Medical wisdom. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine. 2021;64(2):251-270.

Archer, R. & Kinsella, E. A. Phronesis in Veterinary Medicine: Navigating the complexity of practice with wisdom. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. 2022 December.



Enseignement de la chirurgie

Antoun A, Al Rashid F, Alhassan N, Gomez-Garibello C, Fiore JF, Feldman LS, Lee L, Mueller CL. Development of a formative feedback tool for transanal total mesorectal excision. Surgical Endoscopy. 2022 Jan 4:1-7.

Emil S, Guadagno E, Baird R, Puligandla P, et al. The Canadian consortium for research in pediatric surgery: Roadmap for creation and implementation of a national subspecialty research consortium. Journal of the American Colleges of Surgeons. 2022 Dec;235(6):952-961.

Bilgic E, Gorgy A, Young M, Abbasgholizadeh-Rahimi S, Harley JM. Artificial intelligence in surgical education: Considerations for interdisciplinary collaborations. Surgical Innovation. 2022 December;29(2):137-138.

Zagury-Orly I, Solinski MA, Nguyen LHP, Young M, Drozdowski V, Bain PA, Gantwerker EA. What is the current state of extended reality use in otolaryngology training? A scoping review. Laryngoscope. 2022 May 12.

Tokuno, J., Carver, T., Fried, G. Measurement and management of cognitive load in surgical education: A narrative review. Journal of Surgical Education. Available online 2022 Nov 2; s1931-7204(22) 00257-4. DOI: .


Évaluation des apprentissages

Alfieri, J., Wagner, M., Gomez-Garibello, C., & Jones, L. (2022). What motivates the post-graduate medical trainee in seeking feedback? International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics. 2022 September 1;114(1):e14.

Long S, RodrĂ­guez C, St-Onge C, Tellier PP, Torabi N, Young M. Factors affecting perceived credibility of assessment in medical education: A scoping review. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2021 September 27;27: 229-262.

Dory V, Dannoff D, Plotnick LH, Cummings BA, Gomez-Garibello C, Pal NE, Gumuchian ST, Young M. 2021. Does educational handover influence subsequent assessment? Academic Medicine. 2021 January;96(1):118-125.

Ouellet J, Lapointe J, Raîche C, Guerin A, Helal S, Fitzpatrick J, Dorval M, Nabi H. 2022. Scope of coverage of medical genetics and genomics in pre-clerkship programs of Canadian faculties of medicine: A curriculum analysis. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 2022 September 27;191(1):1552-4825.


Enseignement de l’anatomie

Merati N, Murphy-Buske A, Alfaro P, Larouche SS, Noël GPJC, Ventura NM. 2021. Professional attitudes in health professions’ education: The Effects of an anatomy near-peer learning activity. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2021;14(1):32-42.

Wu A, Xiao QY, McWatt S, … Noël GPJC. The anatomy course during COVID-19: The impact of cadaver-based learning on the initiation of reflection on death. Medical Science Educator. 2022 October;32:1033-1044.

McBain KA, Habib R, Laggis G, Quaiattini A, Ventura NM, Noël GPJC. Scoping review: The use of augmented reality in clinical anatomical education and its assessment tools. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2022;15(4):765-796.

McBain KA, Chen L, Lee A, O’Brien J, Ventura NM, Noël GPJC. 2021. Evaluating the integration of body donor imaging into anatomical dissection using augmented reality. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2021 November 30: doi: 10.1002/ase.2157.

Antonacci R, Curiale LM, Ventura NM. Exploring nursing students’ experiences in the anatomy laboratory to optimize their learning. Journal of Nursing Education. 2021 April 01;60(4):221-224.

Gaudreault N, Lebel K, Bédard S, Daigle F, Venne G, Balg F. Using ultrasound imaging to assess novice physiotherapy students’ ability to locate musculoskeletal structures with palpation. Physiotherapy. 2021 December;113:53-60.


Mise en application des connaissances professionnelles

Thomas A, Chin-Yee B, Mercuri M. 2021. Thirty years of teaching evidence-based medicine: Have we been getting it all wrong? Advances in Health Sciences Education: theory and practice. 2022 March;27(1):263-276.

Thoma B, Karwowska A, Samson L, Labine N, Waters H, Giuliani M, Chan TM, Atkinson A, Constantin E, Hall AK, Gomez-Garibello C, Fowler N, Tourian L, Frank J, Snell L, & Van Melle E. Emerging concepts in the CanMEDS physician competency framework. Canadian Medical Education Journal. 2022 September. Online early. DOI:.

Regaldo ICR, Lindquist AR, Cardoso R, Longo E, Lencucha R, Hunt M, Thomas A, et al. Knowledge translation in rehabilitation settings in low, lower-middle and upper middle-income countries: A scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2022 February 21. DOI:

Wideman TH, Bostick G, Miller J, Thomas A, et al. The development of a stakeholder-endorsed national strategic plan for advancing pain education across Canadian physiotherapy programs. Canadian Journal of Pain. 2022;6(1):21-32.

Berliner JL, Fitzpatrick J. Genetic counseling: A rapidly expanding profession (Chapter 1). In Schwartz LS, Ganjoo R (Eds). Handbook of Research on Advising and Developing the Pre-Health Professional Student. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 2022. p.1-21.

Loftus, S. & Kinsella, E.A. (Eds.) Embodiment and Professional Education: Body, Practice, Pedagogy. Singapore: Springer Nature. 2021.


Formation de l’identité professionnelle

Soemantri D, Findyartini A, Greviana N, Mustika R, Felaza E, Wahid M, Steinert Y. Deconstructing the professional identity formation of basic science teachers in medical education. Advances in Health Sciences Education. 2022 August 1.

Mak S, Hunt M, Boruff J, Zaccagnini M, Thomas A. Exploring professional identity in rehabilitation professions: a scoping review. Advances in Health Science Education. 2022 April 25;27:793-815.

Barnhoorn PC, Nierkens V, Numans ME, Steinert Y, et al. 2022. General practice residents’ perspectives on their professional identity formation: A qualitative study. BMJ Open. 2022;12:e059691.

Ottenhoff-de Jonge MW, Steinert Y, van der Hoeven I, Kramer AWM, van der Rijst RM. 2022. How learning-centred beliefs relate to awareness of educational identity and mission: An exploratory study among medical educators. Medical Teacher. 2022;44(12):1354-1361.

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