Deadline to apply for admission to Law by Comité des Équivalences and Chambre des notaires applicants for Winter 2026 term./importantdatesCategory: Important dates for students
Application deadline for Winter 2026 for the Degree Completion Program (International Dental Graduates)./importantdatesCategory: Important dates for students
(Tentative Date) Verification period via Minerva for all students in all faculties. Verify your entire record on Minerva (address, personal data, courses, programs, etc.) and consult your faculty...
Registration period using Minerva for Winter courses and programs for returning students in Continuing Studies (excludes Special students)./importantdatesCategory: Important dates for students
Deadline to apply for admission to Continuing Studies programs for the Winter 2026 term for Canadian Citizens or permanent residents./importantdatesCategory: Important dates for students