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La clé d’un partenariat fructueux réside dans la volonté de collaborer à long terme. ۲ݮƵ reconnaît donc l’importance d’instaurer une relation de confiance et de collaboration avec les communautés autochtones.

« Pour travailler avec une communauté, il faut miser sur le développement des relations. » – Professeure Treena Delormier, École de nutrition humaine

Avant de demander conseil aux membres des communautés autochtones ou de les solliciter pour une initiative de recherche, ۲ݮƵ invite les étudiants, les membres du corps professoral et le personnel à se renseigner sur le territoire, le colonialisme d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, et les relations passées et actuelles de l’Université avec les communautés locales. Ressources pédagogiques ici.


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  • de Mikana

Base de données de la bibliothèque de ۲ݮƵ

Recherche d’autres universités

  • - University of Saskatchewan
  • - University of Victoria
  • - Carleton University

Méthodes de recherche autochtone (Université Lakehead)

  • Absalon, K (Minogiizhigokwe). Kaandossiwin: How We Come to Know. Fernwood, 2011.
  • Castleden, H. "I spent the first year drinking tea: Exploring Canadian university researchers’ perspectives on community-based participatory research involving Indigenous peoples." The Canadian Geographer 2012; 56(2): 160–179.
  • Castleden, H. and Kurszewski, D. "Re/searchers as Co-learners: Life Narratives on Collaborative Re/search in Aboriginal Communities," Adult Education Research Conference, 2000.
  • Drawson, A. S. , Toombs, E. , Mushquash, C. J. "Indigenous Research Methods: A Systematic Review." The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 2017; 8(2).
  • Sylvestre P, Castleden H, Martin D, McNally M. "'Thank You Very Much... You Can Leave Our Community Now.': Geographies of Responsibility, Relational Ethics, Acts of Refusal, and the Conflicting Requirements of Academic Localities in Indigenous Research." ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies. 2018; 17(3): 750-779.
  • Institute for Integrative Science and Health. Two-eyed Seeing resources.
  • Kovach, M. Indigenous Methodologies: Characteristics, Conversations, and Contexts. UTP, 2009
  • Lakehead University - Office of Aboriginal Initiatives and Office of Research Services panel discussion, Two-Eyed Seeing: Bringing Indigenous and Western Technologies and Ways of Knowing Together. (Video) February 27, 2019. Moderator: Denise Baxter Panelists: Dr. Chris Mushquash (Lakehead University); John Dixon (Dilico Anishinabek Family Care); Dr. Lana Ray (Lakehead University); Deidre Bannerman (Canadore College); Holly Prince (Lakehead University); Maxine Crow (Naotkamegwanning First Nation)
  • Lakehead University - Office of Aboriginal Initiatives and Office of Research Services workshop, "Doing Research in a Good Way with Indigenous Partners" (Powerpoint Slides) September 27, 2019.
  • Levac, L., McMurty, L., Steinstra, D., Baikie, G., Hanson, C., and D. Mucina. "Learning Across Indigenous and Western Knowledge Systems: Reconciling Social Science Research Approaches." University of Guelph, 2018.
  • McGregor, D., Restoule, J.P., Johnston, R. Indigenous Research: Theories, Practices and Relationships. Canadian Scholars, 2018.
  • Ray, L. "Deciphering the 'Indigenous' in Indigenous Methodologies." AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 2012; 8(1), 85–98.
  • Smith, L. Decolonizing methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. Zed Books, 1999.
  • Toombs, E. , Drawson, A. S. , Chambers, L. , Bobinski, T. L. , Dixon, J. , Mushquash, C. J. Moving Towards an Indigenous Research Process: A Reflexive Approach to Empirical Work With First Nations Communities in Canada. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 2009; 10(1)
  • Wilson, S. Research Is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods. Fernwood Publishing, 2008.
  • Wilson, S., Breen, A., and L. DuPré. Research and Reconciliation: Unsettling Ways of Knowing through Indigenous Relationships. Canadian Scholar's, 2019.

Lectures recommandées (Université de la Saskatchewan)

  • Akkio, Pekka and Martin Scheinin, eds. Operationalizing the Right of Indigenous Peoples to Self- Determination, Institute for Human Rights, Åbo Akademi University, 2000.
  • Alfred, Taiaiake. Peace, Power, and Righteousness: an Indigenous manifesto, Oxford University Press, 1999.
  • Battiste, Marie. Decolonizing Education: Nourishing the Learning Spirit. Purich Publishing, 2013.
  • Brown, Leslie and Susan Strega. Eds. Research as Resistance: Critical, Indigenous and Anti-oppressive approaches. Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2005.
  • Chilisa, Bagele. Indigenous Research Methodologies. Sage Publications, 2012.
  • Coulthard, Glen Sean. Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition, University of Minnesota Press, 2014.
  • Deloria, Vine, Jr. and Daniel R. Wildcat. Power and Place: Indian Education in America, Colorado: Fulcrum Resources, 2001.
  • Driskill, Qwo-Li. Queer Indigenous Studies: Critical Interventions in Theory, Politics, and Literature, University of Arizona Press, 2011.
  • Green, Joyce. Ed. Making Space for Indigenous Feminism, Fernwood Publishing, 2008.
  • Kino-nda-niimi Collective. Eds. The Winter We Danced: Voices from the Past, the Future, and the Idle No More Movement, Arbeiter Ring Publishing, 2014.
  • Kovach, Margaret Elizabeth. Indigenous Methodologies: Characteristics, Conversations and Contexts. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010.
  • Lambert, Lori. Research for Indigenous Survival: Indigenous Research Methodologies in the Behavioral Sciences, Salish Kootenai College Press, 2014.
  • Razack, Sherene. Ed. Race, Space, and the Law: Unmapping a White Settler Society, Between the Lines, 2002.
  • Simpson, Leanne. Dancing on Our Turtle’s Back: Stories of Nishnaabeg Re-Creation, Resurgence, and New Emergence, Arbeiter Ring Publishing, 2011.
  • Smith, Andrea. Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide, South End Press, 2005.
  • Smith, Linda Tuhiwai. Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. London: Zed Books, 1999.
  • St. Denis, V. Silencing Aboriginal curricular content and perspectives: “There are other children here.” Review of education, pedagogy, and cultural studies, 33(4), pp. 306-317, 2011.
  • St. Denis, V. Rethinking cultural theory in Aboriginal education. In M. Cannon & L. Sunseri (eds.), Racism, colonialism and Indigeneity in Canada: A reader, pp. Don Mills ON: Oxford University Press, 2011 Reprinted.
  • St. Denis, V. Aboriginal education and anti-racist education: Building alliance across cultural and racial identity, Canadian Journal of Education, 30(4), 1068-1092, 2007.
  • Suzack, Cheryl, et al. eds. Indigenous Women and Feminism: Politics, Activism, Culture, UBC Press, 2011.
  • Waters, Anne, ed., American Indian Thought: Philosophical Essays (Blackwell Publishing, 2004).
  • Wilson, Alex. How we find ourselves: Identity development and two-spirit people. In Ferguson, S. (Ed.), Race, gender, sexuality and social class. Dimensions of inequality. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2013.
  • Wilson, Shawn. Research Is Ceremony: Indigenous Research Methods. Fernwood Publishing, 2008.

Éducation autochtone

  • – Cours en ligne (en anglais)
  • – Ressources destinées aux enseignants

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