
L’avocat à la barre de l’action collective: une chasse-galerie?

Wednesday, February 27, 2019 17:30to19:00
Pavillon Chancellor-Day Maxwell Cohen Moot Court (NCDH 100), 3644, rue Peel, Montréal, QC, H3A 1W9, CA

Please join us for a Wainwright Conference with Professor Daniel Jutras, holder of the Wainwright Chair in Civil Law. He will examine class action suits and the ethical aspects of taking public debates to the courts.

Kindly register to alumnioffice.law [at] mcgill.ca by February 20, 2019.

A cocktail reception will follow.


[In French only] Dans une perspective proprement déontologique, l’action collective est un terrain miné. En plus des avocats entrepreneurs et de leurs commanditaires, dont le rôle est désormais consacré, on y fait la rencontre d’avocats justiciers qui portent devant les tribunaux les grands enjeux économiques, sociaux et politiques de l’heure. Les règles et principes déontologiques actuels suffisent-ils encore pour guider les avocats qui prennent la barre de ces actions collectives? La Conférence Wainwright arpentera le terrain de l’action collective pour amorcer une réflexion sur les aspects éthiques de la judiciarisation des débats publics.

The speaker

Professor Daniel Jutras' teaching and research interests are in civil law and comparative law, and he now conducts research in the law of obligations from a comparative and pluralist perspective. He is also pursuing a few research projects on judicial institutions and civil procedure. Professor Jutras is frequently invited to speak on these issues before judicial and academic audiences in Canada and in Europe.

A request for accreditation has been made for 1.5 hours of continuing legal education has been made to a recognized provider.

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