ࡱ>  bjbj H"  OOOOOccc8 c@^Ns . |!J!!]]]]]]]b0ep]QO!|!|!!!]OO ]777!N O O ]7!]776^NP CQ*8c@/mO0]^0@^O>e2e8PPeOP 7!!!]]l5P!!!@^!!!!e!!!!!!!!!  : APPENDIX II 2008-2009 ANNUAL REPORT PUBLICATIONS FOR 2008 CALENDAR YEAR ADAMS, Wendy Refereed Papers: Adams, W.A., A transdisciplinary ontology of innovation governance (2008), 16 Artificial Intelligence and the Law 147-174. In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Materials for Business Associations and Intellectual Property (via WebCT) AKHAVAN, Payam Refereed Papers: Payam Akhavan Reconciling Crimes Against Humanity with the Laws of War.Journal of International Criminal Justice(2008)6.1:21 Papers in Conference Proceedings: Prevention of Genocide, Global Symposium + 5: Information for Humanitarian Action, Final Report, United Nations, April 2008 Heirs to a Rich Civilization: Speech by Payam Akhavan at the Iranian Studies Biannual Conference, August 2008, Gozaar: Forum on Human Rights and Democracy in Iran ( HYPERLINK "http://www.gozaar.org/template1.php?id=1185&language=english" http://www.gozaar.org/template1.php?id=1185&language=english) Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: Advancing Religious Freedom and Related Human Rights in Iran: Strategies for an Effective U.S. Policy, Public Hearing of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, February 21st, 2008, Washington D.C. ( HYPERLINK "http://www.uscirf.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2095" http://www.uscirf.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2095) In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Human Rights & Cultural Diversity syllabus ANKER, Kirsten Refereed Papers: Teaching Indigenous peoples and the Law: Whose law? (2008) 33 Alt. L.J. 132 ANTAKI, Mark In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Mark Antaki, Constitutional Law of Canada (five volumes) (Montreal: ۲ݮƵ, 2008 and 2009) Mark Antaki, Yall Emerich, and Desmond Manderson, Theoretical Approaches to Law (Montreal: ۲ݮƵ, 2008) Mark Antaki and Jacob Levy, Interdisciplinary Seminar in European Studies (Montreal: ۲ݮƵ, 2008) BACHAND, Frederic Refereed Papers: Larrt Dell et le contrle de la comptence arbitrale au stade du renvoi larbitrage, (2007) 37 Revue gnrale de droit 477 Papers in Conference Proceedings: A Canadian Perspective on Controversial International Arbitration Issues, in N. Eksi, T. Kalpsz and M. Yilmaz (ed.), Proceedings of the Istanbul Conference on International Dispute ResolutionA Global Perspective (Istanbul, Beta, 2008) p. 41 (also published in Turkish) Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: Arbitration and Mediation as Means of Resolving Commercial Disputes in the United States and Canada, substantial comparative research report presented to the Canadian International Development Agencys Vietnam Legal Reform Assistance Project (and subsequently, to local lawyers, judges and government officials), April 2008 In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Evidence (Civil Matters), transsystemic casebook, detailed outline of approx. 25 pages and comprehensive WebCT website Droit judiciaire priv, transsystemic casebook, detailed outline of approx. 25 pages and comprehensive WebCT website Extrajudicial Dispute Resolution), transsystemic casebook, detailed outline of approx. 20 pages, comprehensive WebCT website Investment Arbitration NAFTA (۲ݮƵ/Penn State Summer Arbitration Program), casebook, detailed outline (7 pages, 1-credit course) BELLEY, Jean-Guy Papers in Conference Proceedings: Aspects socio juridiques de la confiance dans la socit contemporaine. Publie en novembre 2008 sur le site web de la Chaire J.R. Wilson en droit des technologies de linformation, Universit de Montral (sous la resp. de Cynthia Chassigneux). BLACKETT, Adelle Book Chapters: Human Rights at Work, Legal Indeterminacy, and the Black Community in Canada: Critical Reflections on Centre Maracher Eugne Guinois in David Divine, ed., Multiple Lenses: Voices from the Diaspora Located in Canada 365-372 (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007). Papers in Conference Proceedings: Adelle Blackett, Janelle Diller, Laurence Helfer, Brian Langille & Virginia Leary, The Future of International Labor Law, (2008) American Society of International Law Proceedings of the 101st Annual Meeting 389 - 402. Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: ILO, International Labour Conference, 99th Session, 2010: Report IV(1): Decent Work for Domestic Workers, available at HYPERLINK "http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_104700.pdf"http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_104700.pdf BROOKS, Kim Book Chapters: Canada in International and EC Tax Aspects of Groups of Companies (Amsterdam: IBFD, 2008) 247 276. Tax Treaty Treatment of Royalty Payments from Low-Income Countries: A Comparison of Canada and Australias Policies in Taxation and Valuation of Technology, David Chodikoff and James Horvath, eds. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2008) (reprint). Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: Poverty: Rights, Social Citizenship, and Legal Activism (2008) vol. 20, no. 1 Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 155 163. CAMPBELL, Angela Refereed Papers: Wives Tales: Reflecting on Research in Bountiful (2008) Canadian Journal of Law and Society 23 (1 & 2) 121-141. Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: Primer on the Legal Relationship of the Physician-Patient Relationship in the Bioethics Curriculum Project of the Royal Society of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. (with Paul Miller and Sujit Choudhry) This is a peer-reviewed publication, currently still in press. The executive summary is available online at the RSPSC website:  HYPERLINK "http://rcpsc.medical.org/bioethics/extended-primers/legal_regulation_e.php" http://rcpsc.medical.org/bioethics/extended-primers/legal_regulation_e.php. CRPEAU, Franois Refereed Papers: Rousseau, Ccile, ter Kuile, Sonia, MuHoz, Marie, Nadeau, Lucie, Ouimet, Marie-Jo, Kirmayer, Laurence, Crpeau, Franois,  Health Care Access for Refugees and Immigrants with Precarious Status - Public Health and Human Right Challenges , Canadian Journal of Public Health Revue canadienne de sant publique, Vol. 99, No. 4, July August 2008, 290-292. Book Chapters: Crpeau, Franois, Nakache, Delphine, Atak, Idil, "Les droits des trangers menacs par les contrles migratoires", in: Lahlou, Mehdi (d.), Migration, droits de l'homme et dveloppement, Rabat: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2008, 107-113. Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: Crpeau, Franois, Les migrations: le contexte idologique canadien, Vivre Ensemble, vol. 16, n 54, Automne 2008, 10-11. DEDEK, Helge In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Case Book: Contractual Obligations LAWG-100 Vol. I, II (based on the case books by Blaine Baker and Daniel Jutras). Case Book: Advanced Civil Law Obligations PROC-200 (together with Lara Khoury) de MESTRAL, Armand Edited Collections: D.M.McRae & A.L.C. de Mestral (eds), Canadian Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire canadien de droit international, vol XLV (2007) pp. 1 649 UBC Press, Vancouver, 2008, ISBN 978-0-7748-1617-5 Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: North American Commission on Environmental Cooperation: Research paper on submissions on enforcement matters process established under articles 14 and 15 of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC). Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: The SSHRC Strategic Knowledge Cluster is designed to ensure that scholarly reflections are made available to a wider audience. I oversaw the publication of six short Policy Papers on Canadas trade, air services and foreign investment agreements during 2008-2009. They appear on the website of the project. In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Revised version of CMPL-533 Resolution of International Disputes (using original of Professor Glinas) DEMPSEY, Paul S. Books & Monographs: Public International Air Law (۲ݮƵ 2008) 878 pages Edited Collections: Space Law (Oxford University Press 2008) (five-volume treatise updated quarterly). Refereed Papers: The Financial Performance of the Airline Industry Post-Deregulation, 45 Houston Law Review 421-85 (2008). The Evolution of Air Transport Agreements, XXXIII Annals of Air & Space Law 127-230 (2008). The Evolution of US Space Policy, XXXIII Annals of Air & Space Law 324-43 (2008). Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: Theory and Law of Airport Revenue Diversion, Legal Research Digest 2 (US National Academy of Sciences, May 2008). In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Public International Air Law (2008) Private International Air Law (2 volumes 2008). ELLIS, Jaye Book Chapters: The Precautionary Principle and Risk Communication (co-author: Steve Maguire) in Robert L. Heath and H. Dan OHair, eds, Handbook of Risk and Crisis Communication (New York: Routledge, 2009) 119-37 EMERICH, Yall Edited Collections: L. Smith et Y. Emerich ed., Terminologie et modles propritaires au XXIe sicle, RGD (2008) volume 38, n 2 (avec comit externe de slection). Refereed Papers: Regard civiliste sur le droit des biens de la common law: pour une conception transsystmique de la proprit頻,(2008) 38 Revue gnrale de droit, p. 339-377. Droit priv compar: note bibliographique, (2008) 38 R.D.U.S., p 599. Les fondements conceptuels de la fiducie franaise face au trust de la common law: entre droit des contrats et droit des biens, (2009) 1 Revue internationale de droit compar, p. 49-71. In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Yall Emerich, Desmond Manderson, Mark Antaki, Theoretical approaches to Law, 2008 Yall Emerich, Secured transactions, 2008 FOX-DECENT, Evan Refereed Papers: A Fiduciary Theory of Jus Cogens (2009) 34 Yale Journal of International Law (forthcoming) (with Evan J. Criddle) (accepted and published online October 2008); 31,000 words. Rethinking the Relationship between International and Domestic Law (2008) 53(4) ۲ݮƵ Law Journal: 573-648 (with Armand de Mestral). Is the Rule of Law Really Indifferent to Human Rights? (2008) 27(6) Law and Philosophy: 533 581. Book Chapters: The Charter and Administrative Law: Cross-Fertilisation in Public Law in Administrative Law in Context, L. Sossin & C. Flood eds. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2008): 169 195. In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Judicial Review of Administrative Action: Course Pack - Supplementary Readings (2008). Inter-American Human Rights Law: Course Pack (all course materials) (2008). GLINAS, Fabien Refereed Papers: La Cour supreme du Canada et le droit politique (2008) Les Cahiers du Conseil constitutionnel No 24, 72. Book Chapters: Conflict Resolution and Sustainability Disputes: Authority and Consensus in the Shadow of Law, in Shi-Ling Hsu & Patrick A. Molinari (eds) Sustainable Development and the Law: People, Environment, Culture, Montreal: Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, 2008, p. 21 In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Resolution of International Disputes: Cases and Materials, ۲ݮƵ University, 2003-2008. Constitutional Law: Cases and Materials, ۲ݮƵ University, 2002-2008. International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration: Cases and Materials, ۲ݮƵ University, 2004-08. GLENN, H. Patrick Book Chapters: Globalization and National Legal Traditions in J. Schwarze (ed.), Globalisierung und Entstaatlichung des Rechts, vol. 1 (Tbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008) 57-69. Constitutional Law, Politics and Supreme Court Appointments in M. Charlton and P. Barker, Crosscurrents [:] Contemporary Political Issues (Toronto: Nelson, 2008) 205-212.  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1 Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc:  SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1S. Drummond, Mapping Marriage Law in Spanish Gitano Communities (2007) 45 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 203-207. In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Common Law Perspectives (new casebook) GOLD, Richard Book Chapters: E. Richard Gold, Legal Foundations of the U.S. Dollar, 1933-1934 and 1971 in Orderly Change: International Monetary Relations since Bretton Woods, David Andrews, ed. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2008) peer reviewed Lisa Drouillard and E. Richard Gold, The OECD Guidelines for the Licensing of Genetic Inventions in the OECD and Transnational Governance, Rianne Mahon and Stephen McBride, eds. (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008) Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: E. Richard Gold et al, Toward a New Era of Intellectual Property: from confrontation to negotiation (Montreal: The Innovation Partnership, 2008) E. Richard Gold and Julia Carbone, Myriad Genetics: In the eye of a policy storm (Montreal: The Innovation Partnership, 2008). In-house Teaching Materials, etc: With Tina Piper: teaching materials for Intellectual and Industrial Property. JAKHU, Ram S. Refereed Papers: Space Security and Competition for Radio Frequencies and Geostationary Slots, ZLW 58. Jg. 1 (2009), 74-93. (with Karan Singh). The case for enhanced India-Canada space cooperation, Space Policy, (2009), 1-11. Development of the Natural Resources of the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies: Economic and Legal Aspects, Astropolitics, 6:3, (2008), 201-250. (with Maria Buzdugan) Book Chapters: The 1967 Outer Space Treaty at its 40th Anniversary, in Anatoly Kapustin and Gennady Zhukov (eds.), The Contemporary Problems of International Space Law, Peoples Friendships University of Russia, Moscow, 2008, 225-244. (also translated into Russian language, ibid. pp. 200-224). Commentary on Article II of the Outer Space Treaty (with Steven Freeland) for the Cologne Institute of Air and Space Law Commentary on Space Law, December 2008. JOBIN, Pierre-Gabriel Book Chapters: Rflexions sur une rforme des garanties lgales des produits de consommation, in T. Bourgoignie, ed., Propos autour de leffectivit du droit de la consommation (Cowansville: Yvon Blais, 2007) at pp. 105-121. JUKIER, Rosalie Refereed Papers: Rosalie Jukier and Shauna Van Praagh, Civil Law and Religion in the Supreme Court of Canada: What Should we Get out of Bruker v. Markovitz? (2008) 43 S.C.L.R (2d) 381 In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Contractual Obligations Casebook (update of casebook prepared jointly with Daniel Jutras) Judicial Institutions and Civil Procedure casebook (jointly with Daniel Jutras and Fred Bachand) JUTRAS, Daniel Refereed Papers: Regard sur la common law au Qubec: perspective et cadrage (2008) 10 Revue de la common law en franais 311-326 Le rle constitutionnel de la Cour suprme du Canada: autoportrait (2008) 24 Les Cahiers du Conseil Constitutionnel 65-71 Papers in Conference Proceedings: Les recours collectifs et les devoirs de ltat en matire de sant頻 (published in the proceedings of the Canadian Bar Association annual conference, Qubec City, 2008) In-house Teaching Materials, etc: - Revised Course pack for Extracontractual Obligations - Revised Course pack for Judicial Institutions and Civil Procedure (with F.Bachand and R.Jukier) KASIRER, Nicholas Books & Monographs: Brisson, J.-M. & Kasirer, N., Civil Code of Qubec: A Critical Edition/Code civil du Qubec: dition critique 2008-2009, 16th ed.(Montreal: d. Yvon Blais, 2008). Refereed Papers: Translating Part of Frances Legal Heritage: Aubry and Rau on the patrimoine (2008) 38 Revue gnrale de droit 453 Book Chapters: Dlit interdit! in J. -G. Belley, ed., Regards croiss sur le droit priv/Cross-Examining Private Law: Centre de recherche en droit priv et compar du Qubec, Colloque du trentenaire (Cowansville: Ed. Yvon Blais, 2008), 203-233 Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: Principal author, ۲ݮƵ Faculty of Law: Faculty Review: Self-Study (unpub., August, 2008) 87 pp. Co-author, University of British Culumbia Faculty of Law External Review (unpub., January, 2009) 18 pp. Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: Trente fois merci in J.-G. Belley, ed., Regards croiss sur le droit priv/Cross-Examining Private Law: Centre de recherche en droit priv et compar du Qubec, Colloque du trentenaire (Cowansville: Ed. Yvon Blais, 2008) XIII-XV; Preface in Michel Bastarache, The Law of Bilingual Interpretation (Toronto: Lexis Nexus, 2008)1; In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Family Law I/Droit de la famille I, (۲ݮƵ/Eastman Mimeograph, 2008) ed. with assistance of R. Tremblay KHOURY, Lara Refereed Papers: Le respect des volonts anticipes de fin de vie: entre jugement clinique et droit (2008) 87 Canadian Bar Review 37 Causation and Risk in the Highest Courts of Canada, England, and France (2008) 124 Law Quarterly Review 103-131 In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Medical Liability, CMPL 522, Faculty of Law, ۲ݮƵ University, 2008-2009 With H. Dedek, Obligations, Droit civil (Cours avanc) / Advanced Civil Law Obligations, PROC 200, Faculty of Law, ۲ݮƵ University, 2008-2009 With G. Saumier, Extra-Contractual Obligations, LAWG-101D, Faculty of Law, ۲ݮƵ University, 2008-2009 KLEIN, Alana Refereed Papers: Judging as Nudging: New Governance Approaches for the Enforcement of Constitutional Social and Economic Rights (2008) 39 Columbia Human Rights L. Rev. 351. KLINK, Dennis In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Supplements to Common Law Property and Statutory Interpretation (revised). LAMED, Helena Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: A number of decisions on behalf of the Canadian Agriculture Review Tribunal (see consulting activities) LAMETTI, David Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: Published Arbitration (Domain Name) Decisions -  HYPERLINK "http://www.cira.ca/en/dpr-decisions/00102-statoil.ca.pdf" http://www.cira.ca/en/dpr-decisions/00102-statoil.ca.pdf [statoil.ca] -  HYPERLINK "http://www.cira.ca/en/dpr-decisions/00096-scotiabanktheater.ca.pdf" http://www.cira.ca/en/dpr-decisions/00096-scotiabanktheater.ca.pdf [scotiabanktheatre.ca] In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Editor, Civil Law Property (۲ݮƵ; Eastman, 2008) (600 pp): revisions to course materials LECKEY, Robert Books & Monographs: Contextual Subjects: Family, State, and Relational Theory (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008). Reviewed: Susan B. Boyd, (2008) 34 Queens L.J. 48391 Edited Collections: What Is Left of Pelech? in Jamie Cameron, ed., Reflections on the Legacy of Justice Bertha Wilson (Markham: LexisNexis, 2008) 103. Also printed as (2008) 41 Supreme Court Law Review (2d) 10329. Papers in Conference Proceedings: Harmoniser le droit dans un espace multilingue et pluri-juridique : un point de vue canadien [2008] Uniform L. Rev. 39. In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Teaching Materials, Constitutional Law, 2 vols. (designed entirely new course) MACDONALD, Roderick Refereed Papers: The Political Economy of the Federal Spending Power in (2008) 34 Queens Law Journal 249-304 Book Chapters: Living Together, Living Law in L. Lalonde, et al. ed, Mlanges Georges Lgault (Sherbrooke: ditions de lUniversit de Sherbrooke, 2008) at 145-170 (with Josh Wilner) Nommer, lire, tirer au sort, vendre au plus offrant? propos le choix des juges in P. Noreau, ed. Mlanges Andre Lajoie (Montreal: Thmis 2008) 731-806. Relational Ownership in P. Forget, ed, Colloque du trentenaire du CRDPCQ : Regards croiss sur le droit priv (Montreal: Yvon Blais, 2008) 167-202. Papers in Conference Proceedings: Access to Justice for Persons with FASD conference on FASD, Whitehorse, Yukon, September 19, 2008 Thats not cricket presentation to the Inter-Academy Panel at Trieste, Italy, February 12, 2009 Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: Brief to the Commission des institutions of the National Assembly on Anti-SLAPP laws, November 12, 2009 Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: The real constitutional question: Canadas 21st century National Policy (2008) 30:1 Policy Options 68-77 (with Robert Wolfe). MANDERSON, Desmond Edited Collections: Book Symposium: Desmond Mandersons Proximity, Levinas, and the soul of law, Vol 33 Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 134-78. The Court of Shakespeare (editor), Symposium,Vol 4 No. 1 Law, Culture and the Humanities 52-118. Refereed Papers: Not Yet: Aboriginal People and the Rule of Law, (2008) 29 Arena 1-54. Desert Island Disks (Ten Reveries in Inter-disciplinary Pedagogy) (2008) 1 Public Space 1; reprinted in (2008) 2 Law and the Humanities 255-70 Introduction: Legal theory in Wonderland in Book Symposium: Desmond Manderson, Proximity, Levinas and the Soul of Law (2008) 33 Aust. J. Legal Philosophy 134-44. Response: and it really was a kitten, after all in Book Symposium: Desmond Manderson, Proximity, Levinas and the Soul of Law (2008) 33 Aust. J. Legal Philosophy 173-78. As if The Court of Shakespeare & the Relationship of Law and Literature, (2008) 4 Law, Culture and the Humanities 52-68 . HYPERLINK "https://exchange.mcgill.ca/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://articleworks.cadmus.com/doc/847479" \t "_blank"http://articleworks.cadmus.com/doc/847479 Not Drowning, Waiving: Responsibility to Others in the Court of Shakespeare (with Paul Yachnin, Peter Goodrich, Constance Jordan, and Richard Strier),(2008) 4 Law, Culture and the Humanities 68-118. Book Chapters: Semiotics and Law, in Peter Cane and Joanne Conaghan, eds., The New Oxford Companion to Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008) 1071-72. Another Modest Proposal: In defence of the prohibition against torture, in Miriam Gani et al, eds., Fresh Perspectives on the War on Terror (Canberra: ANU Press, 2008) 27-43. Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: Indigenous people & the rule of law, Australian Financial Review, April 12 2008, Review, pp. 1-4. From Hunger to Love: The Constitution of Law in Childrens Literature (specially commissioned extract from Manderson 2003 Childrens Literature Review vol. 131 (Gale Press, 2008) 88-91. In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Theoretical Approaches to Law. 300pp. (۲ݮƵ, with Profs Mark Antaki & Yaell Emerich) MATTHEWS GLENN, Jane Refereed Papers: Promissory Estoppel, Proprietary Estoppel and Constructive Trust: Whats in a name? (2007) 30 Dalhousie Law Journal 141-164 [actually published 2008] Mixed Jurisdictions in the Commonwealth Caribbean: Mixing, unmixing, remixing (2008) 3:1 Journal of Comparative Law 53-76 (UK) Also published, with permission, in (2008) 12:1 Electronic Journal of Comparative Law Government Wrongs: Civil Liability for GMO Regulation in Canada (2008) 18:2 Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 169-193 "Informal Formality: Tenantries, Ejidos and Family Land", (2008) 4:2 International Journal of Law in Context 135-148 (UK) Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: La proprit de leau dans le Canada de common law, rapport prpar pour le ministre du Dveloppement durable, de LEnvironnement et des Parcs du Qubec, June 2008 (12 p, ss) Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: Book review: Bakker, Karen (ed.), Eau Canada: The future of Canadas water (Vancouver-Toronto: UBC Press, 2007), (2008) 4:2 ۲ݮƵ International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy 231-236. MEGRET, Frdric Refereed Papers: Le droit international peut-il tre un droit de rsistance? Dix conditions pour un renouveau de lambition normative internationale (2008) XXXIX Etudes internationales 39. A Special Tribunal for Lebanon: The Council and the Emancipation of International Criminal Justice (2008) 21 Leiden J. Intl L. 485. The Disabilities Convention: Disability Rights or Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities? (2008) 30 Hum. Rts Q. 494. The Disabilities Convention: Towards a Holistic Concept of Rights (2008) 12 Intl J.H.R. 261. Book Chapters: A Cautionary Tale from the Crusades? War and Prisoners in Conditions of Incommensurability in Sibylle Scheipers, ed., Prisoners in War (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008). The European Union and Human Rights in David Forsythe, ed., Encyclopaedia of Human Rights (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008). Le Canada la pointe du progrs? Laccommodement raisonnable laune du droit international des droits de la personne dans Jean-Franois Gaudreault-DesBiens, dir., La Religion, le Droit et le Raisonnable (Montreal: Thmis, 2008). Le droit un recours effectif en matire de discrimination: panorama du droit international et application au cas qubcois dans Le Tribunal des droits de la personne et le Barreau du Qubec, dirs., Laccs direct un tribunal specialis en matire de droit lgalit: lurgence dagir au Qubec?/Access to a Specialized Human Rights Tribunal: an Urgent Need to Act in Quebec? (Cowansville: Yvon Blais, 2008). NARAIN, Vrinda Books & Monographs: Reclaiming the Nation: Muslim Women and the Law in India University of Toronto Press, 2008, 224 pp. Featured in Amazon Canadas bestseller list (Gender and the Law) Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: The Potential of Human Dignity: Women in Religious Contexts, report published by the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Coursepacks for the following courses: 1. Gender and the Constitution. Winter 2009 2. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Fall 2008 3. Women and the State in India Winter 2009 MOYSE, Pierre-Emmanuel Refereed Papers: P.-E. Moyse, Kraft Canada c. Euro-Excellence: linsoutenable lgret du droit (2008) 53 R.D. ۲ݮƵ 741 P.-E. Moyse, Le droit de proprit: un acte de foi (2008) 38 Les Cahiers de droit 259-279. P.-E. MOYSE, Le club des cinq et les mystres du droit de la concurrence (2009) 21 Cahiers de proprit intellectuelle (accepted) Book Chapters: P.-E. Moyse, Canadian Colonial Copyright: The Colony Strikes Back, in Y. Gendreau (ed.), An Emerging Intellectual Property Paradigm, Perspectives From Canada, London, Edward Edgar, 2008. Papers in Conference Proceedings: P.-E. Moyse, Colonial Redux : 1709 vs. 1932, Blaca/ALAI Studies Day, June 15-18, London. In-house Teaching Materials, etc: M. Graham & P.-E. Moyse , Seminar in Law and Management BUSA-614 MUNIZ-FRATELLI, Victor Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: Review of Henry S. RICHARDSON, Democratic Autonomy: Public Reasoning about the Ends of Policy, in Ethics 118(4): 746-751 (2008). PIPER, Tina Refereed Papers: On the Importance of Intellectual Property Rights for e-Science and the Integrated Health Record (2008) 14(2) J Health Informatics 95 (with M. Jirotka, D. Vaver, C. Hinds, G. DAgostino, C. Meyer) -top30 most frequently read article in the Health Informatics Journal (September 2008) Book Chapters: Third Party Liability and International Financial Institutions (with S Archer), in P Odell and C Willett (eds), Global Governance and the Quest for Justice v. 3 (2008: Hart, Oxford). (refereed) Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: Toward a New Era of Intellectual Property: From Confrontation to Negotiation - A Report by the International Expert Group on Biotechnology, Innovation and Intellectual Property (with members of the Intellectual Property Management Group: ER Gold, W Adams, L Bernier, T Bubela, L Cassivi, D Castle, G Langavant, M Cloutier, AS Daar, H Delerue, A Glass, E Henry, L Knowles, JF Morin, P Smith). -top 10 download lists for Health Journals and Science, Technology & Innovation Research Papers (September 2008) T Piper and R Gold, Practices, Policies and Possibilities in Licensing in Human Genetics report prepared for Health Canada, August 15, 2008. Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: Through the Looking Glass Art as a Mirror of Law, February 10, 2009, Montreal Science Centre, ۲ݮƵ Bravo event (with D Manderson, H Dedek, K Anker). 2008 ACCT Canada Conference, Practices, Policies and Possibilities in Licensing in Human Genetics; poster submitted, refereed, accepted and displayed; Marriott, Ottawa, Ontario, November 23. In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Developed Canadian legal history teaching materials (with 2008 summer funding) PROVOST, Ren Refereed Papers: Judging in Splendid Isolation, (2008) 56:1 American Journal of Comparative Law 125-172 Book Chapters: Pluralismo jurdico y pluralismo cultural en la regulacin de conflictos armados in Jornadas de Derecho Internactional (Washington DC: Organisation of American States, 2008) 247. In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Fondements du Droit - Textes et documents (Montral: ۲ݮƵ, 2008). International Humanitarian Law (Montreal , ۲ݮƵ, 2008). SAUMIER, Genevive Papers in Conference Proceedings: Le recours dapplication de larticle 3149 C.c.Q. et le consommateur qubcois (2007) 37:2 Revue gnrale de droit 463-76 (publi en 2008). Reports for Government Agencies, Professional Bodies, etc: Commentary on the Brazilian proposal to CIDIP VII, February, 2009; Federal Justice Dept International Private Law. In-house Teaching Materials, etc.: Consumer Arbitration, 2008 Extra-contractual obligations/Torts, 2008-09 SHEPPARD, Colleen Refereed Papers: Diversity, Dialogue and the Role of the State: Articulating the Values of Democratic Constitutionalism (2008) 2 Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law (Part 1) 99. Pragmatic Feminism in the Work of Bertha Wilson (2008), 41 Supreme Court L.R. (2d) 83* Book Chapters: * Also published as a book chapter: see Pragmatic Feminism in the Work of Bertha Wilson in Jamie Cameron ed. Reflections on the Legacy of Justice Bertha Wilson (Toronto: Lexis-Nexis, 2008-2009) 83-101. Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: Book Review of Robert J. Sharpe & Patricia I. McMahon, The Persons Case The Origins and Legacy of the Fight for Legal Personhood, (2008) 53 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 367 SMITH, Lionel Refereed Papers: Trust and Patrimony (2008), 38 Revue gnrale de droit 379-403. This paper was presented at the Workshop on Terminology and Property Models in the 21st Century, ۲ݮƵ University, 21 September 2006, and the 2nd Congress of the World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists, University of Edinburgh, 30 June 2007. With Remus Valsan, The Loyalty of Lawyers: A Comment on 3464920 Canada Inc. v. Strother, (2008), 87 Canadian Bar Review 247-269. Can I Change My Mind? Undoing Trustee Decisions (2008), 27 Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal 284-305. This paper was presented at an Ontario Bar Association conference on Trusts, Trustees and Trusteeships, Toronto, 24 September 2007 and also to meetings of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners in Halifax, 18 September 2008, and Moncton, 19 September 2008. Public Justice and Private Justice: Restitution after Kingstreet (2008), 46 Canadian Business Law Journal 11-35. This paper was presented to the Thirty-seventh Annual Workshop on Commercial and Consumer Law, Toronto, 19-20 October 2007. Book Chapters: Unjust Enrichment: Big or Small?, ch. 2 in S. Degeling and J. Edelman, eds., Unjust Enrichment in Commercial Law (Pyrmont, N.S.W.: Lawbook Co., 2008) 35-52. This paper was presented at a conference on Restitution in Commercial Law, Sydney, 3-5 August 2007. Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: Review: F. Giglio, The Foundations of Restitution for Wrongs (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2007) (2008), 47 Canadian Business Law Journal 158-164. Allcard v. Skinner, Fiduciaries, Injunction, Remedies, Restitution and Specific Performance in P. Cane and J. Conaghan, eds., The New Oxford Companion to Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008). In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Revised teaching materials (cases and materials) for Advanced Common Law Obligations, published online. SMITH, Stephen Edited Collections: Substitutionary Damages in Justifying Private Law Remedies (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2008) Charles Rickett, ed., 93-114. The Law of Damages: Rules for Citizens or Rules for Courts? in Contract Damages: Domestic and International Perspectives (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2008) Dajkhongir Saidov & Ralph Cunnington, eds., 33-64. Hayek in The New Oxford Companion to Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008) Peter Cane & Joanne Conaghan, eds. 521-22. SOMERVILLE, Margaret Book Chapters: Somerville Margaret, Preface in R. D. Jovey, ed., Managing Pain. The Canadian Healthcare Professional s Reference, The Canadian Pain Society, Baker Edwards Consulting Inc., ON, 2008, pp.vi-vii Papers in Conference Proceedings:  Zwiecki argument przeciwko eutanazji  (Argument),in Rodzina wiosn dla Europy i [wiata, Aomianki 2008, pp.553-557 Brent Hawkes, Janet Epp Buckingham, Douglas Elliott, and Margaret Somerville,  Panel Discussion: World s Religions, Human Rights, and Same-Sex Marriage , in Arvind Sharma, (ed), Part of the Problem, Part of the Solution: Religion Today and Tomorrow, Praeger, Wesport CT, 2008, Chapter 13, pp. 104-127 Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: Speaking to a Secular Age, The Nathaniel Report, 2008; 26: 4-6 The debate has new life, The Globe and Mail, January 24, 2008, A17 Un sujet tabou, La Presse, January 24, 2008, A25 A world of competing sorrows, The Ottawa Citizen, March 10, 2008, A11 Its not all about abortion, The Ottawa Citizen, April 4, 2008, A13 Fetus and woman are separate entities, Letter to the Editor, The Gazette, April 20, 2008, A17 Re: David Warren, Down the slope we slide, Letter to the Editor, The Ottawa Citizen, May 24, 2008, B5 The case against euthanasia, The Ottawa Citizen, June 27, 2008, A15 What Does Doing Ethics Mean, The First Canadian Healthy Care Conference, Featured Keynote, July 2008, HYPERLINK "http://www.thefirstcanadianhealthcareconference.ca"www.thefirstcanadianhealthcareconference.ca Correctly squelched, Mercatornet, 1 July 2008, HYPERLINK "http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/correctly_squelched/"http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/correctly_squelched/ Question of merit, The Ottawa Citizen, July 16, 2008, A11 Re: Craig Burley, A Moralist, not an ethicist, Letter to the Editor, The Gazette, July 23, 2008, A18 Speaking to a secular age, Mercatornet, 6 August 2008  HYPERLINK "http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/view/speaking_to_a_secular_age/" http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/view/speaking_to_a_secular_age/ At heart, its slavery by another name, The Globe and Mail, August 13, 2008, A13 Truth and spectacle, The Ottawa Citizen, August 19, 2008, A11. Also published as Ethics and the search for perfection in The Montreal Gazette, August 24, 2008, A15 Dawkins, delusion and the search for a shared ethics, in 30 Sermons Youd Never Hear in Church, Geez Magazine 10, Summer 2008, pp. 58-61 The best chance at life, The Globe and Mail, May 13, 2008, A15. Also published as Who decides on medical treatments for critically ill children? in Dispatch, August/September 2008, p. 20 The shortest life, The Ottawa Citizen, August 5, 2008, A13. Reprinted in The Rose, September 2008, p.7 No one to vote for, The Ottawa Citizen, September 12, 2008, A15 Denying doctors free conscience unconscionable, The Calgary Herald, September 18, 2008, A10 Policy poses ethical questions, Letter to the Editor, The National Post, September 26, 2008, A11 Keep spirit alive, Letter to the Editor, The Ottawa Citizen, November 1, 2008, B5 A new eugenics, The Ottawa Citizen, November 20, 2008, A15 Do apes have ethics?, The [Montreal] Gazette, November 30, 2008, A15. Also published as Apes and Ethics in Arts & Opinion, Vol. 8, No 2, 2009 The thread of lifes passage, The Ottawa Citizen, December 12, 2008, A15. Republished in the Christian Legal Journal, Winter 2009, pp. 9-10 VAN PRAAGH, Shauna Refereed Papers:   &'()<=KLMN[klxy Z \ кۨкۡ~t~j~c_X hE4h?h^ h^5\h8h^6]h8h^>*]h8h^] hh^hh^5\hE4h?5\ hE4h8(hE4hI{5>*\ hE4hGhE4hG5>*\hE4h~5>*\hE4h6"5>*\ hE4h~W( hE4h-hE4ha5>*\hE4hVm[5>*\  '(LMNtL($d%d&d'd1$NOPQgdG0$d%d&d'd1$NOPQ^`gd|v,0$d%d&d'd1$NOPQ^0gd|v/$0$d%d&d'd1$NOPQ^0a$gd|vN[l Z [ \ k | !   gdG gd0 hgdGgd^ gd?\ ] k | ! F G  C D E NP]-bڽڭڦyl\l\lhE4hR6OJQJ]^JhE4hROJQJ^JhE4hN=5\hE4h5\hh\ h5\hE4h5\ hup5\jlhE4h6"U\jhE4h6"U\jhE4h6"U\hE4h6"\hE4h6"5\hE4hIM5\hE4hJ|5\$ NOP]GHQRt $ a$gd:2$ $ 0*$a$gd:2$gd:2$gdG gdmYgdR0]0gdR gdGb5LQRSstK3?,Dõwndnw``wXOhDh:2$CJhDh:2$6h:2$hDh:2$6@hDh:2$@hDh:2$5\ h:2$5\ hDh:2$hDh:2$6@mH sH hDh:2$@mH sH hPOh:2$mH sH hPOh:2$5\mH sH hE4hOq5mH sH hE4hm\hE4hROJQJ^JhE4hROJQJ^JhE4hR6OJQJ]^J,0RIJK\k}~gd?S gdGgdG$a$gd:2$ $^a$gd:2$ $$a$gd:2$$a$gd:2$gd:2$;0QR`aHIK\kl F|}~~zskzazYssshE4h?S5hE4h?S6\hE4h?S6 hE4h?ShE4h?S\hE4h?S5\hE4h#zE5\hE4h-\mH sH h:2$mH sH h2h:2$mH sH h:2$h:2$mH sH h:2$h:2$5\mH sH h:2$h-5 hE4hOqhDh:2$6 hDh:2$hDh:2$CJhDh:2$6CJ ~|}~+:;<M^gd]$a$gd zgd zgdO8gdGgd?S!01  *7n 1:;<LM]^ ǽ|r|kck_Uhh]5\h]h,Oh]6 h,Oh]h]hh5\h]hh5h]h05 hE4h? hE4hm\hE4h z6]hE4h z6 hE4h zhE4h z5\hE4hm\5\hE4h#zE5\hE4h?S0J5\jhE4h?SUhE4h?S6 hE4h?ShE4h?SH*! ^\]i( !4"d"r"۽p\pH&hE4h 5OJQJ\^JmH sH &hE4h 6OJQJ]^JmH sH  hE4h OJQJ^JmH sH  hV5OJQJ\^JmH sH &hE4h 5OJQJ\^JmH sH hE4h05hE4h 5 hE4hhh+\h]0Jjhs h]U hh]jh]Uhh]5>*hh]6h] hh])c"d"s"a#b##$$$$$H$$$ % %%!% gdG hh^h`gdGgdsqxgdG $2]2a$gdVgdVgdVgdO8gd]r"b####$$#$$$H$ %% %!%4%Z%%%9&''P'(())%)8)ᄊyrjryr_yryrXPI hdG5\hZCgh?5 hE4h:dhE4h0fmH sH hE4h0f6 hE4h0fhE4h0f5\hE4h:d5hE4hvV5hE4h+mH sH  hE4hsqxhE4hsqx5\ hE4h0hE4h+5hE4h mH sH #hE4h 6OJQJ^JmH sH &hE4h 5OJQJ\^JmH sH hE4h OJQJ^JmH sH !%5%%%:&''Q'((()))%)9)q)r)))))W*X* hgddG  hgddGgddG gdGgdG^gd0fgd0f8)9)U)V)W)r))))))H*W* +E+++3,4,5,A,O,,,--)-<-=-Y----//3040ùâ~r~j_hE4h~mH sH hE4h45hE4h46mH sH hE4h4mH sH hE4h4mH sH hE4h45\mH sH hE4h~5hE4h46 hE4h4hE4h45\hE4h'5hE4h|5hE4h?5 hdG: hdG5\ hdG6 hdG5hdGhdG5CJ\aJ$X** + +F++++,3,4,5,A,P,---)-=----.. $1$7$8$H$a$gdVgd4gdG hgdG hgdG hgddGgddG...///0 0304050F0W01 11' 2( Px 4 #\'*.25@9(^(`gd4 gdG hgdGgdGgdQ/gd4$h1$7$8$H$^ha$gd4 $1$7$8$H$a$gd4 $1$7$8$H$a$gdV4050F0W0o0y011112 22S2p222 3.3X3c33333333¾סׯ—ˆui[PhE4hGn*mH sH hE4hGn*5\mH sH hE4h05mH sH hE4h5mH sH hE4hvV hE4hhE4h46hE4h46]hE4h4>*\mH sH hE4h45 hE4hh4 hE4h4hE4h46\mH sH hE4h4\mH sH hE4h5\hE4h5hE4hQ/mH sH 111222263733333344"4>5?5c55 gdGn*gdGn* hgdG gdG^gd4gd4# 2( Px 4 #\'*.25@9`gd4344!4"4>5?5c55556E6b6c6d6e6l6o6w6666667777ּ}ocTjhE4hGUmH sH hE4hG6mH sH hE4hG6]mH sH hE4hs6]mH sH hE4hGmH sH  hE4hGhE4hG5\ h5hE4hP5hE4h5hE4h?5hE4hGn*]hE4hGn*6] hE4hGn*hE4hGn*5\hE4hGn*mH sH hE4hGn*6]mH sH 56c6d6e6w66&7'777"888888889999::gdb hgdgdgdG hgdG gdGn*7777!8"8#87888E8w8888888899_9999V:{:::;`;;;<3<<<<ʼߩxpxxxiahE4h@nB5 hE4h.<hE4hb5hE4hb6 hE4hbhE4hb5\hE4h|5hE4hSw5hE4hP5hE4hP]hE4hsmH sH hE4hG6]mH sH hE4hGmH sH hE4hG5\ hE4hGjhE4hGUmH sH hE4hGmH sH $::;;<<3<4<<<<<$=%=z={=">1>M?N???? gdz vgdnv v1$gdnvgd9 $ ha$gdG $ ha$gdGgdb<<<<'=^=k=z={===">0>>>9???L?M?????? @ @@@ȵȡ挀thZOhE4hfmH sH hE4hf5\mH sH hE4h _5mH sH hE4hz$5mH sH hE4h.<5mH sH hE4h@nBhE4h96B*]ph'hE4h96B*PJ]nHphtH$hE4h96B*PJnHphtH!hE4h9B*PJnHphtHhE4h96B*phhE4h9B*phhE4h95B*\ph? @@@@@AAAAABBBBB1C2CC $7$8$H$a$gdvgdv hgdGgdG$ Jha$gdG hgdG$ h1$a$gdfgdf$ ha$gdG@@@@@@@@@@AAA~AAAAAAABBBBBB0C2Cźug\TLhvmH sH hvmH sH hvhvmH sH hvhv5\mH sH hvhfQ 5mH sH hE4h5\ hE4hhE4hY6 hE4hY hE4huhE4hu5\hE4h5hE4h _mH sH hE4h _mH sH hE4hfmH sH &hE4hf6OJQJ]^JmH sH  hE4hfOJQJ^JmH sH 2CCCC~DDDDDDDmH sH hE4h@>6hE4h@>5\ hE4h@>hE4h@>6mH sH hE4h@>mH sH hE4h@>5\mH sH hE4hD5mH sH hE4h hvhfQ h-hv\ hv\ hv5\hhv5\hvhv5mH sH hvhv5\mH sH h%VhvmH sH hvhvmH sH CCCDDDD=E>E?E@EAESEgE F FFFFF#$ 2P0v:o? 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Marcovitz? (2008) 43 Supreme Court L. Rev. (2d) 381-411 (with Rosalie Jukier) Book Chapters: View from the Succah: Religion and Neighbourly Relations in Richard Moon, ed., Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008) 21-40 Other Non-refereed Articles, Comments, Reviews, etc: Commentary: Courts wrestle with intersection of law and religion The Lawyers Weekly, Vol. 27, No. 38, February 15, 2008, p. 8 WALSH, Catherine Edited Collections: Catherine Walsh, Accounts Receivable Financing in Eidenmller, Horst and Kieninger, Eva-Maria, eds.,The Future of Secured Credit in Europe (de Gruyter Recht: 2008) In-house Teaching Materials, etc: Readings in International Business Law (for International Business Law Seminar)     PAGE  PAGE 13. 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