ÎŰÎ۲ÝÝ®ĘÓƵ Law tuition is among the lowest in Canada, and we offer various opportunities for scholarships and financial support.Ěý
Tuition and FeesĚý
For Canadian and Quebec residents, tuition at ÎŰÎ۲ÝÝ®ĘÓƵ Law remains among the most competitive in Canada. For the 2025-2026 academic year, Quebec residents should expect an increase of up to 3% of the 2024-2025 rate, which was $5,654.67. Non-Quebec Canadian residents and International students who are admitted and enrolled as of Fall 2025 will be subject to the new rates published on the ÎŰÎ۲ÝÝ®ĘÓƵ Students Account website; $20,564.54 for Non-Quebec Canadian residents and $67,486.34 for International students.
The Faculty of Law offers several entrance scholarships to students admitted into the first year of the ÎŰÎ۲ÝÝ®ĘÓƵ Program. All admitted applicants are automatically considered for Faculty of Law scholarships: there is no need to apply for these. The initial offers of scholarships are usually made in early February, and we will contact you if you are selected as a recipient. Please consult our Tuition and Financial Support page for details.Ěý
If you are interested in receiving information specific to your individual needs, please contact the Admissions Office (admissions.law [at] mcgill.ca).Ěý
Soutien financierĚý
L’UniversitĂ© ÎŰÎ۲ÝÝ®ĘÓƵ est dĂ©terminĂ©e Ă soutenir les projets universitaires des Ă©tudiant.e.s en droit admis.es qui ont besoin d’aide financière. Personne ne devrait avoir Ă refuser une offre d’admission pour des questions d’ordre financier. Le programme vise Ă rendre l’UniversitĂ© plus accessible aux personnes dans le besoin en leur offrant une aide supplĂ©mentaire qui s’ajoute Ă leurs revenus provenant de l’aide gouvernementale, d’un emploi Ă temps partiel, de la contribution de leurs parents et d’autres sources.Ěý
Si vous craignez que le revenu de vos parents nuise Ă votre admissibilitĂ©, rassurez-vous; les personnes qui s’inscrivent dans un programme de droit pour l’obtention d’un deuxième diplĂ´me (toutes les catĂ©gories de candidat.e.s, Ă l’exception des titulaires d’un diplĂ´me d’études collĂ©giales ou d’un baccalaurĂ©at français du QuĂ©bec) sont considĂ©rĂ©es comme Ă©tant financièrement indĂ©pendants de leurs parents. Ă€ ce titre, le revenu de vos parents n’entre pas en compte lors de l’examen de vos besoins financiers.Ěý
De plus, vous pouvez accĂ©der Ă des bourses d’admission et Ă votre profil d’aide financière (financial aid profile) dans Minerva aussitĂ´t que vous recevez une offre d’admission. Le Bureau des bourses et de l’aide financière a pris l’engagement de renseigner les personnes nouvellement admises sur la valeur de l’aide financière Ă laquelle elles sont admissibles mĂŞme AVANT que soit acceptĂ©e l’offre d’admission.Ěý
ÎŰÎ۲ÝÝ®ĘÓƵ has a number of resources for accessing detailed information about costs of tuition and fees, living in Montreal, and how to manage your finances.Ěý
If you are interested in receiving information specific to your individual needs, please contact the Admissions Office at admissions.law [at] mcgill.ca. We would be happy to put you in contact with a Student Aid Advisor who could speak with you in person or provide additional information by email or phone.Ěý