Emerging Leaders Team

We will be recruiting for our 2025 and 2025/26 team again Feb 19, 2025.

The Emerging Leaders Team provides the opportunity for the students to build their leadership and/or teamwork skills via experiential transformations. Through this program our members will receive training on leadership, facilitation, teamwork and more to potentially expand and enrich their overall academic success. We recently changed up our program and are now offering two (2) streams to students which are designed to practically and impactfully build leadership capacities!

STREAM 1: students will focus on becoming facilitators through interactive workshops; they will facilitate the Emerging Leaders Workshops over the upcoming academic year.

STREAM 2: students will focus on leadership and team-working skills by participating in leadership, teamwork and professionalism workshops, coaching one-on-one sessions, being or getting involved in a leadership experience (applicants use their own part-time work, volunteer roles, group projects, MicroExP, etc to explore how they are developing in these roles with more intentionality).Ìý A final reflection project to synthesize their learnings, identify areas for development and/or action plans will culminate this experience. Ideally, team members will learn and apply leadership and team-working skills over the academic year and share out with peers and act as leadership peer coaches to fellow students.


- we will contact you when we are recruiting.

Please note we will be recruiting between February 19 and March 7, 2025. We recruit twice each academic year in November/December and February/March. This is a great opportunity to get hands on experience with our recruitment process. All successful candidates go through our training program for Stream 1 and/or Stream 2. The trainings provide a great opportunity to meet peers from outside other discipline and enjoy a positive learning environment.

Contact leadership.training [at] mcgill.ca for more information.

Dates for group interviews for STREAM 1 2025: Week of March 10, 2025 (Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Thursday - 5:30 to 7:00 pm -TBC)

Dates for initial training for STREAM 1 in 2025: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday, March 22, 2025, (in person); Saturdays, April 5 and 26 (virtual) - 12 noon to 3:00 pm


There are no interviews for STREAM 2 2025

Dates for trainings for STREAM 2 in 2025: TBC - coming soon


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