Title: Test-based integrative analysis of randomized trial and real-world data for treatment heterogeneity estimation. Abstract:/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: RAAGs in MCGs./mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: The totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) on Galton-Watson trees/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: Optimal domains for the first curl eigenvalue/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: Mapping class groups that do not virtually surject to the integers./mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: Linear Regression and its Inference on Noisy Network-linked Data Abstract: /mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: Persistence and root detection algorithms in growing networks/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Adaptive MCMC For Everyone Abstract: /mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title:Schiffer operator corresponding to Riemann surfaces with finitely many borders/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics