
On the First Day

The first day of the rotation will play an importantrole in how the the trainee’s rotation will proceed.

All sites have established their own process for welcoming trainees. The following elements are part of what the “welcome day” should entail:

  • Provide relevant information on the rotation, a visit of the site, indicate where equipment can be found and introduction to the staff
  • Inform the trainees of the resources available to them (parking, library, books, computers, material loans, etc.)

It is recommended that a folder, containing all this information, be prepared and distributed to the trainees.

The content of the document will vary according to the site’s characteristics. Here are some examples:

  • Objective of the rotation
  • Schedule of the rotation. Here are some schedule examples
  • Information on the establishment, clinic
  • Name of the doctors and employees with whom they will work
  • Form the trainees must fill out to obtain their stipend (transportation and housing expenses if not provided).
  • Policies and regulations of the establishment (use of tobacco, code of ethics, parking, lodging,etc.)
  • Activities to do in the area (special activities during the period of the rotation)
  • List of the restaurants, grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.
  • Recruitment folder
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