Career Planning Advice

Getting Your Results

CaRMS releases its match results in early/mid-March. On Match Day, you will be able to login to the CaRMS online system and retrieve your match result.

NRMP releases its match results over the course of several days in mid-March. The first day, applicants can login to the NRMP system in order to find out if they matched or not (but no information on match location is provided). Two days are then devoted to unmatched applicants seeking selection for unfilled positions (this is called the SOAP, or Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Period). On the fourth day, all applicants can login to the NRMP system in order to find out the location of their match.

On Match Day, if you got what you wanted most:

CONGRATULATIONS!  We can’t wait to hear all about it!

If you matched but are disappointed:

It’s ok to be disappointed. You’ve put a lot of work into getting just what you want, so give yourself some time and space to accept the match you’ve received. If you want to meet the Career Advisor or the Wellness Consultants at the WELL Office, please contact us.

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