A teenage girl lies in the ICU, struggling. It’s late at night and her mother tries to offer comfort by singing to her softly. Robin Coombs, a first-year medical student at the time, is completing...
It all began with Claire Webster telling her story. An advocate for improved patient and family care, and an active member of anAlzheimer’s support group, she was asked to speak to students about...
As their time in med school comes to a close, Med-4 studentsKrislia Cunningham, BSc’17, and Léanne Roncière (pictured above from left to right with a pre-pandemic class photo) are looking back at...
Dr. Don Boudreau remembers the life-۲ݮƵ impact philanthropy had on him early in his training. When he came to ۲ݮƵ, his position was made possible by donor generosity....
Dr. Franco Carnevale has sat down with children who are sick or dying, or who live in poverty, or who have experienced violence in the home. When the pandemic hit, his first thoughts went to the...