This 66-credit program is designed for students who want to acquire a substantial background in microbiology and immunology, and in related disciplines (chemistry, biology, biochemistry). This will prepare them for professional schools, graduate education, or for entry in industry or in research institutes.
A grade of C or better must be obtained in all required courses. A student who has a CGPA of 3.2 or higher can apply for admission to the graduate program in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology.
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) - Major Microbiology and Immunology(66 Credits)
Program Requirement:
The Major program is designed for students who want to acquire a substantial background in microbiology and immunology and related disciplines (chemistry, biology, biochemistry) which will prepare them for professional schools, graduate education, or entry into jobs in industry or research institutes.
U1 Required Courses (26 credits)
* Students who have taken CHEM 212 in CEGEP are exempt and must replace these credits with an elective course(s).
** Students who have taken CHEM 222 in CEGEP are exempt and must replace these credits with an elective course(s).
One of:
U1, U2, or U3 Required Course (3 credits)
One of:
U2 Required Courses (19 credits)
U3 Required Course (3 credits)
U3 Complementary Courses (6 credits)
6 credits selected from:
Complementary Courses (9 credits)
9 credits selected from:
* Students may select either ANAT 458 or BIOC 458, but not both.