Organ M.Mus.

Program Overview

This program provides talented organists and church music scholars with an opportunity to hone their artistry and interpretive skills. The flexibly designed program combines performance with seminars in historically informed performance practice, music and liturgy, counterpoint, improvisation, continuo playing, and choral conducting, among other options (including the splitting of lessons between organ and harpsichord).  

Thesis performance options allow for creativity and diversity by including options for:

  • Solo and chamber music recitals
  • Concerto performances
  • Recording projects
  • Church music projects
  • Opportunities for interdisciplinary research and collaborations with strong composers and other departments, including early music


For a complete list of Organ Area faculty members, visit the area's webpage.

Resources and Opportunities

Students benefit from excellent facilities that include practice organs built by Beckerath, Casavant, Tsuji, Wilhelm, and Wolff, as well as the famous French classical organ in Redpath Hall.


Students in this program have received funding from sources such as: American Organ Guild Scholarship; SSHRC; Schulich School of Music Scholarships and prizes in major national and international competitions.


Graduates pursue careers in church music, conducting, and performance around the world.

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