Repeat after me: “Repetition does not confer truth.” If you go by the frequency with which media reports scream about us poor souls walking the proverbial plank, prodded by the sword of...
Would any parent believe that serving Rice Krispies or Cocoa Krispies to their children can help protect them from catching the flu? You would think not. But what if that box of cereal has a banner...
One thing is for sure. Headline writers last week must have been thrilled by the study that linked exposure to bisphenol A with sexual dysfunction in Chinese men. “Study a real downer.” “Hard...
Maple syrup as a cancer fighter? That’s what a press release from the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers claims. “Recent studies have shown Canadian maple syrup to contain more than twenty...
We know what we should be doing if we want to be environmentally conscious. Recycle, compost, use public transport more, insulate better, shop with reusable bags. But here is something that is...
Surveys show that one of the biggest worries people have is about the safety of our food supply. When asked what they are concerned about, they mention pesticide residues, additives, genetic...