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Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda Is Anti-Vaxx Sleight-of-Hand Propaganda

12 Jul 2022

There is a lot to unpack in the deceptively simple (and simply deceptive) 30-minute documentary Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda, released on June 10, 2022.

Not Seeing Eye-to-Eye With an Eye Visionary

8 Jul 2022

Being in the business of separating sense from nonsense for several decades, I have across many contemptible scams. One of the most outrageous ones entices people to fork out money for a...

Why are some Sunscreens Labelled as “Reef-Safe”?

30 Jun 2022

“Reef-Safe” on the label intends to inform the consumer that the product does not contain ingredients that may harm coral reefs. That claim, though, must be viewed with a degree of skepticism.

Harvard Psychiatrist Makes Inflated Claims About Food’s Power to Fight Mental Illness

28 Jun 2022

Looking through a microscope will make something tiny look big. It blows the teeny-weeny out of proportion. As it turns out, you don’t even need a microscope to do that.

How Nature Solved the Problem of Too Much DNA

16 Jun 2022

When you consider how babies are made, you bump up against a basic math problem. No need for calculus here, or even the mental gymnastics of carrying the one. It’s a problem of doubling.

The Problems with Adaptogens

9 Jun 2022

Mark my words: long COVID will be a magnet for quacks.

Steve Kirsch and the Seduction of Simplicity

20 May 2022

A central lesson we scientists learn in university is that science is complicated. Experiments that should yield either result A or B show us C, instead. Individual studies are flawed, and our...


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