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A Plant That Eats Bugs

28 Aug 2020

The Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant well known for its ability to lure insects (and arachnids) into its “capture organ.” Once they enter there is no escape. The organ shuts tight and the...

Crustaceans have teeth in their stomach

12 Aug 2020

Believe it or not, lobsters, as well as other crustaceans such as crabs and crayfish, have teeth in their stomach! The teeth are part of a system called the “gastric mill.” Through rhythmic...

Scents and Sensibilities

7 Aug 2020

It is quite amazing how very small changes in an odourant’s chemical structure can radically change our perception of its scent. For example, octanol, a synthetic compound used in perfumes and...

The “Greenwashing” Effect

22 Jul 2020

“Greenwashing” is the term used to describe the promotion of a product based on misleading claims of superiority to other products in terms of environmental impact or safety. For example, many...

Getting Antsy During COVID

15 Jul 2020

In this COVID era, nighttime entertainment often comes down to watching one of the plethora of programs offered by streaming services. Let me make a recommendation. Summer is a time for ants to...

Respect for Dandelions

26 Jun 2020

Spring has sprung, and with it has come many dandelion plants poking their yellow flowers through blades of grass. Perhaps surprisingly, there’s much more to these plants beyond being pesky weeds.

Glyphosate and COVID-19: Dr. Stephanie Seneff Strikes (Out) Again

1 May 2020

An MIT computer scientist with no expertise in agriculture, chemistry, toxicology, or the biological sciences. And yet for some reason, Stephanie Seneff has decided that genetically modified foods...

How can I stop getting static shocks?

20 Feb 2020

If you live in Canada, you know what a nightmare winter can be for your hair. No, not because of hat hair, (or at least not entirely because of hat hair), but because of static electricity! All...


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