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Is there any point in drinking oxygenated water?

23 Dec 2021

Oxygen is critical for life and that also makes is susceptible to chicanery. If oxygen is so essential that the brain is permanently injured after just four minutes of deprivation, then surely more...

Cancer’s Sweet Tooth

17 Dec 2021

To the surprise of many, however, cancer cells are defective at producing the very fuel they need to grow and spread, but manage to overcome the innate “disability” and out-compete normal healthy...

Is it true that pine nuts can cause a lasting taste disturbance?

17 Dec 2021

In 2001, a Belgian physician experienced two episodes of bitter, metallic taste that lasted for several days and noted that both had occurred after he had eaten pine nuts. He mentioned this to a...

Pineapple for Eye Floaters: Sweet Deal or Pipe Dream?

11 Dec 2021

Shadow puppetry can be beautiful to look at, but when it’s happening inside our eyeballs, it’s an annoyance. One of the banes of getting older is the appearance of apparitions in our vision. In...

Sweating Out the Hype Over the Finnish Sauna

4 Dec 2021

What are children introduced to, on average, at the age of four and a half months? Your answer will vary depending on where you are from. In Finland, the answer is the sauna.

The Sweet and Sticky Science of Sugar

3 Dec 2021

Sugar is sweet and sticky.  That’s a fact.  In fact, during the reign of Edward the Confessor in the early eleventh century, "ale tasters" were employed to check on the work of brewers.  They would...

Is "Spanish Fly" really an aphrodisiac?

3 Dec 2021

The extract contains cantharidin,  a substance that supposedly increases sexual desire. Not only does it not do that, it may eliminate all desire permanently. When ingested, cantharidin can kill....

Here Be Homeopathic Chameleons

27 Nov 2021

In the fight against pseudoscience, the idea that simply providing more information works every time has been questioned these last decades. The thinking used to be simplistic: when non-experts...

Science vs. Joe Rogan

20 Nov 2021

“Lot of times, we’re drinking or we’re high, you know, and I say stupid shit.” Coming from a teenager, this statement may invoke memories of your own adolescence. But carried by the voice of then...


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