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Can Red Yeast Rice Reduce Cholesterol?

20 Mar 2017

When is a substance a food and when is it a drug? That may sound like a simple question but the answer can be complicated. Suppose you take some rice, inoculate it with a type of yeast, let it...

Does Policosanol Reduce Cholesterol?

20 Mar 2017

When you think of sugar, you don’t think of lowering cholesterol. But Cuban researchers do. In fact they think that a byproduct of the sugar industry, policosanol, is an effective alternative to...

A New Role for Oxytocin?

20 Mar 2017

Could oxytocin, a natural hormone, help patients suffering from anxiety and other related personality dysfunctions? Maybe. At least that is what a group of researchers from the University of...

Sweet Hype for Maple Syrup

20 Mar 2017

You can tell that it’s sugaring off time because sappy articles about the health benefits of maple syrup start flowing from media outlets. “Maple Syrup Contains a Number of Health Benefits,” “Maple...

Helicobacter Pylori

20 Mar 2017

The 2005 Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology was awarded to Australian Drs. Robin Warren and Barry Marshall for demonstrating that most ulcers are caused by a bacterium and can be cured with...

Do GMO foods cause any health related risks?

20 Mar 2017

I don't believe they do but I keep hearing this from many of my friends and I would like to shut them up once and for all. If you have any studies or papers you could refer me to I would be ever so...

Tomatoes and Prostate Cancer

20 Mar 2017

You've probably seen the headlines over the years. There are loads of them, all with the same flavour. “Tomatoes No Magic Bullet For Prostate Cancer.” “Tomatoes Fail As Prostate Cancer Preventative...

The Environmental Cost of Meat

20 Mar 2017

We know what we should be doing if we want to be environmentally conscious. Recycle, compost, use public transport more, insulate better, shop with reusable bags. But here is something that is...

Pesticides in Utero

20 Mar 2017

Can the decline in rational thinking that we seem to be experiencing these days be due to pesticide exposure while we were in the womb? That may not be as harebrained as it sounds. 


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