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Anesthesia Allergies

20 May 2017

A woman became allergic to her husband after twenty five years of marriage. She developed pain all over her body every time he approached her. The cause? A pain killer!  The husband was a dentist...


20 May 2017

Many athletes regularly smear a black greasy substance known as “eye black” underneath their eyes to reduce glare from the sun or stadium lights. Amazingly, this trend was started by the most...


20 May 2017

Ali Maow of Somalia has the distinction of being the world’s last recorded victim of smallpox, a disease he acquired in 1977.  For the first time ever, through a program of vaccination and...

Cranberries: a Superfood

20 May 2017

Cranberries are commonly associated with Thanksgiving but in early America they played a varied role. Besides the berries serving as food, the plant’s leaves were commonly used for tea or as a...

A Vital Force

10 May 2017

A single experiment in 1828 destroyed the theory of Vitalism which held that “organic substances” found in living systems could not be made in the laboratory because they were empowered with a ...

Mixing meat and milk

10 May 2017

The Old Testament offers up some dietary advice about not mixing milk and meat. Milk provides a hospitable environment for bacteria on meat to multiply, so this does make sense. Religious...

Monks and Beer

10 May 2017

In the Middle Ages much of beer brewing was carried out by monks. Water is a source of many disease causing organisms which cannot survive in alcohol. Trial and error demonstrated that beer...

Borax and slimy concerns

31 Mar 2017

Health Canada recently issued an advisory about minimizing exposure to borax based on some studies that have found developmental and reproductive problems in animals. This raised questions among...

James Simpson, Chloroform Pioneer, Took the Pain Away

20 Mar 2017

The experiment, James Simpson decided, would go ahead even though the rabbits had died. And that decision was destined to have such a huge impact on medicine that more than 100,000 grateful Scots...


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