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Vitriolic Attacks

20 Mar 2017

In the Sherlock Holmes story, The Case of the Illustrious Client, a former paramour seeks revenge on the dastardly Baron Adelbert Gruner by splashing the Baron’s face with sulphuric acid, which at...

Why do I love cilantro but my husband hates it? (Except when it's cooked!)

20 Mar 2017

When it comes to food, everyone has likes and dislikes. Chocolate generally gets favourable comments, spinach less so. But no flavour seems to elicit the degree of polarizing comments as that of...

Jerusalem Artichokes

20 Mar 2017

"But in my judgement, which way soever they be drest and eaten they stir up and cause a filthie loathsome stinking winde with the bodie, thereby causing the belly to be much pained and tormented,...

What's the truth behind Gardasil?

20 Mar 2017

The more you get involved with science, especially when it comes to matters of health, the more you realize how hard it is to “know” anything. Basically we end up making educated guesses based on...


20 Mar 2017

During the Civil War northern forces blocked a number of Confederate ports. One of the consequences of the blockade was a dire shortage of cinchona bark imported from South America. The bark was in...

Unexpected consequences are part and parcel of science

20 Mar 2017

Science is as a quest for knowledge. Sometimes it ends with a clear-cut result, often not. The Earth goes around the sun. Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen. The speed of light is 299,792,458...

Great scientific advance started with deodorizing ‘gut factories’

20 Mar 2017

To put it bluntly, Louis XVIII stank. It wasn’t from improper hygiene, although French kings weren’t particularly noted for their love of baths. The culprit was the gangrene oozing from his legs....

Is it true that some candies are coloured with insect extract?

20 Mar 2017

Yes some candies and other foods can be coloured with cochineal extract which is an approved food additive. Hernan Cortez was the first European to learn about this colourant when he became...

Physician’s oath to humanity

20 Mar 2017

Hippocrates is often regarded as the father of modern medicine in spite of his mistaken belief that illness and health were determined by the ups and downs of the four “humours,” namely black bile,...


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