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Serotonin Syndrome: Too Much of a “Good Thing”

6 Sep 2024

Serotonin, or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including mood regulation, behavior, memory, and gastrointestinal balance....

No Tolerance for IgG Food Intolerance Tests

29 Aug 2024

“But where’s the harm?” we are so often asked. When your baby dies and has to be resuscitated in the emergency room, I’d say the harm has a Vegas-sized neon arrow above it....

Is Genghis Khan Hiding Inside Your DNA?

23 Aug 2024

Genghis Khan is more legend than man. We’re not even sure when he was born: historians agree it’s somewhere in the decade that spans 1155 and 1167. That birth has itself been mythologized. Stories...

The Book Natural Healers Really Hate

16 Aug 2024

To the conspiracy-minded alternative health practitioner, everything was great until the Flexner Report was published.

Whipping Up Some Science

14 Aug 2024

Want to add a bit of extra delight to that cake or sundae? No need to bother with whisking some cream when you can just reach for that aerosol cannister of whipped cream. Just squeeze the little...

Coffee for the Brain

7 Aug 2024

Most nutritional studies are observational meaning that researchers observe what happens in a given population as a result of consuming a food or beverage without any sort of intervention on their...

Cloudy with a Chance of Sunburn

26 Jul 2024

Imagine stepping outside on a cloudy day, feeling confident that your skin is safe from the sun's rays simply because the sun is hidden behind a layer of clouds. This common belief can be...

Studying Organic Chemistry Can Pay Off

26 Jul 2024

One of the fundamental reactions we teach in organic chemistry is “nucleophilic substitution” in which an atom or group of atoms in a molecule is exchanged for another one. Quite logically, the...


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