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The Fountain of Youth and Alligators

18 Oct 2019

Funny the things one remembers. Like “Don’s Fountain of Youth,” a short cartoon I saw some time back in the 60s. “Don” was Donald Duck and the story was all about taking his nephews on a Florida...

Can Darth Vader Improve Your Winter Mood?

27 Sep 2019

If you saw Darth Vader endorse a product, would you feel the desire to buy it?

Bad Science Lends a Friendly Ear to Ear Seeds

29 Aug 2019

If you’re scrolling through Instagram while waiting in line at the grocery store, you might have stumbled upon ear seeds. The photos show close-ups of ears dotted with tiny piercings assembled like...

ThetaHealing®: The Money You’ll Spend Never Existed

1 Aug 2019

It must have looked like they were testing for telepathy. One self-described healer and their patient, sitting face to face, were each wearing what I would describe as a rugby helmet covered in...

Popular Health Guru Sayer Ji Curates the Scientific Literature with His Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy

11 Jul 2019

There is a tool on Sayer Ji’s website GreenMedInfo.com that I wish I could recommend. I am sometimes asked by members of the public for a place to go to find scientific papers in order to figure...

The Moral Panic Over Smartphones Takes on Satanic Overtones

27 Jun 2019

It began life as “prominent exostosis” and, at the peak of media coverage, British tabloid The Sun was scaring us with “HELL PHONES” and many people got the impression that our children were...

Goop Men: Putting a Soul Patch on Well-Off Woo Brand

6 Jun 2019

Gwyneth Paltrow’s commonwealth of aspirational feel-goodery is now reaching across the gender aisle with Goop Men. There’s the good, there’s the bad, and there’s the snugly, like this $28,900...

Quebec Pharmacies Show Signs of Progress on Homeopathy

17 May 2019

If you walk into a Quebec pharmacy and reach the “cold and flu” section, you may see a sign you’ve never seen before. The green-blue notice will tell you, “dear customer”, that there is “generally”...


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