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Cancer Charlatans

20 Mar 2017

What makes people defend the indefensible? A prime example of this conundrum is the case of Antonella Carpenter, a 71 year old “alternative practitioner” who was convicted of conducting a...

Does Emu Oil Have Any Benefits?

20 Mar 2017

So what is an emu? A bird. It can grow to about six feet and is native to Australia. It is a strange looking bird, but not as strange as some of the health claims being made for its oil. Dozens of...

Dr. Oz's Sweet Tooth

20 Mar 2017

Dr. Oz is talking and nutritionists are shuddering. It’s almost a daily occurrence. This time he is all excited about a sugar substitute that according to him does not have a “chemical taste,”...

Valerian for Insomnia?

20 Mar 2017

O sleep! O gentle sleep!

Dr. Sen’s Perfect Vision System

20 Mar 2017

I’m accustomed to being forwarded all sorts of videos about miraculous cures that are being suppressed by the establishment. There’s usually some “maverick doctor” who has made an astounding,...

What is Rooibos tea?

20 Mar 2017

I had a feeling that doing a PubMed search for Dr. Annique Theron would not yield much.  In fact it yielded zero results.  I can’t even find a biography of Dr.

The Japanese Scientist and His Crappy Meat

20 Mar 2017

It sounds believable. After all the Japanese do eat some strange things. They eat “fugu,” prepared from puffer fish which if not properly eviscerated contains enough tetrodotoxin to kill the diner....

Letting the Fizz Out of the Fizz Keeper

20 Mar 2017

A little pump called the “Fizz Keeper” is available in kitchen supply stores to pressurize previously opened soft drink bottles and prevent loss of carbonation. The idea appears to make sense, but...


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