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How does anti-fog spray work?

30 Apr 2018

When water vapour from the air condenses on a cold glass surface, such as one's eye glasses, you'll end up with droplets of water. These droplets are commonly known as fog. And with fog, comes...

"Black Panther" Science

22 Mar 2018

"Black Panther", the latest of superhero action movies based on Marvel comics, is the most science-positive of the series. Unfortunately, it is also completely scientifically unrealistic, thanks to...

How do fake nails work?

22 Mar 2018

Fake nails come in two major varieties: acrylic and gel. Even this distinction, though, creates an element of confusion since both of these systems actually use acrylic products. All fake nail...

E-Readers are More like Paper than You Think

13 Feb 2018

Our days are dominated by screens: the morning news, ads on the metro, work documents at the office, the dozens of texts we send a day, and to top it off, a good TV show in the evening. But for a...

CancerSEEK: Is This the One Cancer Blood Test to Rule Them All?

1 Feb 2018

When it comes to cancer, I used to be convinced that early detection was where most of our efforts should go. I was appalled that so much money was being poured into developing therapeutics for...

Text Neck: Is the Epidemic Truly Over?

25 Jan 2018

You may have seen the headlines recently: “Text Neck Was Never a Real Epidemic” and more along those lines.

Getting Stoned

16 Jan 2018

Ever wonder about how that stone washed effect is achieved on blue jeans?  By washing with stones, that's how.  The fabric is placed into large industrial washing machines together with volcanic...

Sniffing Out Disease

8 Jan 2018

The dog has been called man’s best friend, but rats certainly have never been referred to in that endearing fashion. Yet, they can save lives as well as dogs; maybe even better. How? By using their...


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