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A Close Look at Cell Phone Towers

13 Nov 2019

The large increase in lung cancer following World War II, was quickly recognized as a public health problem. The surge in smoking following WWI & II, when soldiers were given free cigarettes,...

The Costly Reprogramming of the Immune System to Fight off Cancer

18 Oct 2019

Alternative medicine, with its universal boogeymen and safe panaceas, gives us a simplistic (and wrong) view of the world. Medicine, on the other hand, often demands that we make tough choices....

Cell phones, Teens and Mental Health

18 Oct 2019

This article was first published in The Montreal Gazette.

Pen and Paper Versus Laptop: Is There a Clear Winner in the Note-Taking Olympics?

20 Sep 2019

Is the pen really mightier than the keyboard? I know a professor who begins each semester by pointing out that, according to this one study, students perform better on tests when their notes were...

The Man Who Photocopied DNA and Also Saw a Talking Fluorescent Raccoon

15 Aug 2019

It may be surprising to learn that the credited inventor of the most important workhorse in molecular biology—the polymerase chain reaction or PCR—once claimed he had seen a talking fluorescent...

Are Summer Clothes Protecting Your Skin from Sunburns?

26 Jul 2019

How much protection does your white T-shirt offer you in the summer when you’re out in the sun? Would you say it’s impossible to get a sunburn underneath that garment?

I am looking into buying a product to kill dandelions. Is Wilson Weedout safe?

10 Jul 2019

Wilson Weedout contains 4-chloro indole acetic acid as an active ingredient which really is quite effective against broad-leaved weeds. It is a naturally occurring plant hormone that triggers the...

Why Mosquitos Bite You and How to Make Them Stop

5 Jul 2019

Summertime means hammocks, BBQs, fireworks, and mosquito bites....

The Moral Panic Over Smartphones Takes on Satanic Overtones

27 Jun 2019

It began life as “prominent exostosis” and, at the peak of media coverage, British tabloid The Sun was scaring us with “HELL PHONES” and many people got the impression that our children were...


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