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Does Policosanol Reduce Cholesterol?

20 Mar 2017

When you think of sugar, you don’t think of lowering cholesterol. But Cuban researchers do. In fact they think that a byproduct of the sugar industry, policosanol, is an effective alternative to...

Why does lipstick cause beer to lose its foam?

20 Mar 2017

It just wouldn’t be the same without the foam, would it? Beer I’m talking about. You don’t want the glass to be full of it, but you certainly want enough to tickle your lips when you go bottoms up....

Can asparagus be a treatment for cancer?

20 Mar 2017

What makes people believe the unbelievable? Sometimes it’s desperation. Sometimes it’s wishful thinking about simple answers for complex problems. Sometimes it is blind trust in the untrustworthy....

The African Mango: Can Its Seeds Really Help You Lose Weight?

20 Mar 2017

Obesity is one of North America’s greatest nutritional challenges and it is now creeping into the developing world as well, thanks to the export of our dietary habits. But maybe we can import a...

Rust stains in your bathtub?

20 Mar 2017

If you see reddish stains in your sink, bathtub, or heaven forbid, on your laundry, it's a good bet you've got iron in your water. Don't look for nuts and bolts dripping from your tap, this kind of...

What are Prions?

20 Mar 2017

Imagine your brain literally turning to sponge. That’s just what happens in a family of diseases known as the “spongiform encephalopathies” which leave the brain riddled with holes. In humans,...

What’s the Relationship between Fats and Prostate Cancer?

20 Mar 2017

There is no question that what we eat affects our health. After all, our body is composed of molecules that originate from food. We are literally what we eat. But teasing out the affects of...

What is a “Brazilian” hair straightening treatment?

20 Mar 2017

In “Brazilian straightening” a protein known as keratin is mixed with formaldehyde and is applied to hair followed by heat treatment. Results can be surprisingly good with the straightening effect...

What is “Truth Serum?”

20 Mar 2017

“Truth serum” refers to various drugs that have been used in attempts to extract truthful statements from people. Wine was the basic method for extraction during ancient times, however, the first...


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