
Manuel Balan

Academic title(s): 


Manuel Balan
Contact Information

855 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2T7

Email address: 
manuel.balan [at] mcgill.ca
Associate Professor, Institute for the Study of International Development
Dawson Hall 306

PhD, University of Texas at Austin

Research areas: 
Comparative Government and Politics
Areas of interest: 

Comparative Politics, Latin American Politics, Corruption and Development, Political Competition, Politics of the Media and Scandals, Transparency and Anti-Corruption Policies, Political parties and political Systems, Constitutional Design and Implementation, Research Design, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, Formal Modeling.

Selected publications: 
  • “Competition by Denunciation: The Political Dynamics of Corruption Scandals in Argentina and Chile.”Comparative Politics.43(4): 459-478.
  • “La Denuncia como Estrategia.”Desarrollo Económico.(Forthcoming).
  • “The Process of Adoption of Freedom of Information Acts: A Nested Logit Model.” Under Review.
  • “From Freedom of Expression to Media (In)dependence: Media Coverage of Corruption Scandals in Latin America.” Manuscript in Preparation.
  • “Independent Controls or Political Weapons? The Role of Control Agencies in Denouncing Corruption.” Manuscript in Preparation.
Selected talks and presentations: 
  • “La Denuncia como Estrategia.” Paper presented at Universidad de San Andrés, Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 2011.
  • “The Process of Adoption of Freedom of Information Laws: A Nested Logit Model.” Paper presented at theAnnual Meeting of the American Political Science Associationin Toronto, Canada. September 2009.
  • “From Corruption to Corruption Scandal: The Political Dynamics of Corruption Scandals in Argentina, Brazil and Chile.” Paper presented at theAnnual Midwest Political Science Association Conferencein Chicago, United States. April 2009.
  • “Competencia Política y Escándalos de Corrupción en Argentina, Brasil, y Chile.” Presentation at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina. September 2007.
  • “Corruption Scandals in Latin America: Analyzing the cases of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile.” Paper presented at theLatin American Studies Association Conferencein Montreal, Canada. September 2007.
  • “Explaining Corruption Scandals in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile.” Paper presented at theAnnual Meeting of the American Political Science Associationin Chicago, United States. September 2007.
  • “Corrupçaõ e Política na America Latina.” Presentation at Fundaçaõ Getulio Vargas, Saõ Paulo, Brazil. May 2007.
  • “Today’s Allies, Tomorrow’s Enemies? The Political Dynamics of Corruption Scandals in Latin America.” Paper presented at theAnnual Meeting of the American Political Science Associationin Philadelphia, United States. August 2006.
  • “Anti-Corruption Policies in Argentina and Chile” Paper presented at theLatin American Studies Association Conferencein San Juan, Puerto Rico. March 2006.
  • “Citizenship, Nationality, and Education: a survey of classical and contemporary approaches” Paper presented at theAnnual Southwestern Political Science Associationin New Orleans, United States. March 2005.
Associate Professor
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