
A feminist opening of resilience: Elizabeth Grosz, Liberian Peace Huts and IR critiques | Journal of International Relations and Development

Woman speaking in megaphone at an anti-war protest.
Published: 17 August 2022

August 17th, 2022 | In this article, Dr. Maria Martin de Almagro and Dr. Pol Bargués identify that resilience has often been reduced to an egalitarian project—where mechanical policies and schemes are deployed to ameliorate the conditions of women, enhance their participation in decision-making and pursue the equality between women and men—to advance in sustaining peace. By engaging with the feminist writings of Elizabeth Grosz, as well as indigenous feminist practices in Liberia, they nurture a feminism that affirms the agency and inventiveness of women to begin to reimagine resilience as difference: a resilience that thrives outside governance structures and the confines of neoliberal policymaking.

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