Clinical Experiences

Practica Experiences

Hearing Screenings, East and North-West Montreal: Tamara

I was greeted back to school this winter semester with a placement doing hearing screenings at an elementary school. Our job was to screen the hearing of the 80 kindergarten children who went there. This seemed like a daunting task, to me as a relatively new SLP student, yet it proved to be a wonderful first-hand experience. It really helped re-enforce all that I had learned last semester in my Introduction to Audiology class. Plus it boosted my confidence by showing me that I do know what I'm doing. I felt empowered, leaving at the end of the day. It was also nice when the SLP mentioned that the schools really appreciate us being there. It was great knowing that not only was I getting something useful out of the experience, but the kids I screened were also getting some very useful information!

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