

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

Value the benefits of a diverse range of perspectives, lived experiences, and ways of thinking. Support and promote the voices of others during discussions. Collaborate successfully with cross-disciplinary and intercultural groups. Recognize bias and discriminatory behaviour in order to be an agent of change.

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Understanding Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

While humanity has accomplished significant social progress in recent decades, from decreasing poverty to providing more widespread healthcare and education, this progress remains uneven. Social and economic injustice persists at both the global and the local community levels, due to marginalization and discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, and sexual orientation. []

At the micro-level of a community or a team, the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion are intertwined; they are defined by the process of improving the terms of participation (inclusion), and promoting and integrating various perspectives and experiences that are typically underrepresented (diversity), in order to attain fair access to opportunities (equity). More broadly, we must remember that equity, diversity, and inclusion are responses to inequity, homogeneity, and exclusion, which has resulted in unfair access and distribution of resources and support.


While equality focuses on equal treatment, equity recognizes that in order to overcome pre-existing barriers, different levels of support are required so that every member of the community has fair access to opportunities and resources. In other terms, equity requires different treatments toaddress and ideallysothat the access can be moreequalized[2][3]equitableaccess to jobs is promoted through agovernmental or organizational Employment Equity Act.

In Canada, theaims to achieve equality and fairness in the workplace by applying principles of equity, such as providing adequate work accommodations, to ultimately correct the conditions of disadvantage in employment experienced by women,Indigenouspeople, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities.[]Learn more about ۲ݮƵ’s approach toemployment equity.


Diversity refers tothe presence of difference within any collection of people; the focus is on the group, not merely individuals.[]Some examples of the various dimensions of diversityinclude:gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, culture, ability, and socioeconomic status; this is not an exhaustive list. To learn more about the dimensions of diversity, check-outtheEquity at ۲ݮƵ definitions webpage.

Diversity describes the presence of difference within any collection of people. In discussions of social equity, diversity addresses differences in social group membership related, for example, to race, Indigenous identity, class, gender identity or expression, sexuality, disability, ethnicity, and religion. Discussions about diversity linked to access and equity require knowledge and understanding of historical and contemporary experiences of oppression and exclusion. []


Inclusion refers to the notion of belonging, feeling welcome and valued, having a sense of citizenship. It also speaks to a capacity to engage and succeedin a giveninstitution, program, orsetting.

Why does it matter?

Imagine a future where you are still paid less than a man with the same qualifications ‒ because you are a woman. Imagine a future where your coworkers still dismiss your ideas ‒ because of your cultural background. Imagine a future where you are still told who you can and cannotbe married to. Imagine a future where ۲ݮƵ are still being taught that there are limits to their dreams ‒ because of who they are. Imagine a world without equity, diversity and inclusion.

Equity, diversity and inclusion are key for positive social and professional interactions. In a team, diversity inidentities,abilities,andperspectiveswidens horizons and expands knowledge.[]A team embraces diversity and inclusion by respecting everyone’s inputand recognizingwhen certain voices are prioritized over others; this practice results in more fruitful discussions, creative solutions to complex problems, and new “outside the box” ideas.[]

On a larger scale, systemic discrimination in organizations creates and perpetuates disadvantage for marginalized groups, including racialized people, people with disabilities, LGBTQ+ people, women, and Indigenous people. Systemic discrimination in higher education translates into less access andachievement gaps between dominant groups and those whose identities have been marginalized.in the labour market, systemic barriers produce higher than average unemployment rates, lower than average salaries, and concentrations in low-status jobs among thesegroups.[]

Race, class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, ability, and age are not mutually exclusive entities. These social categorizations are interconnected andlink to larger systems such as racism, classism, and sexism.The combination of these systems of oppression overlapto make for unique experiences of discrimination‒ also known as intersectionality.[]The compoundedsystemsof gender inequality and racial discrimination, working togetheris an example of howaracialized woman’sexperience of sexism canbe directly related, encouraged, and shaped byherexperience of racism or ethnocentrismrace or ethnicity.[]

Respecting the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion, in an intersectional way,enhances social cohesion while preventing alienation of individuals or groups. Learning about the various dimensions of diversity aroundyou, anddeveloping a better understanding ofyourself andthe experiences of others,will motivate you to combat discriminatory behaviour, and to advocate for inclusive and equitable practices for the ultimate wellbeing of your community.

Cultivating Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

We as a community shouldcontinue to challengeinequity and discriminatory behaviours (e.g., stereotyping, misogyny) by acknowledging their detrimental consequences onsociety as a whole.Promoting inclusion anddiversity, andadvocating for equity are collective efforts that require the commitment of organizations, governments, as well as individuals.

Organizational behaviours (e.g., code of conduct, policies) are a reflection of anorganization’svalues, itsdedication to equity, diversity, and inclusion. At this level, systemic discrimination calls for systemic remedies in the form of changes to policies and practices that address the barriers limiting the full participation of disadvantaged groups. Additionally, various Canadian government agencies have designated policies as well as training opportunities to promote the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in their activities (e.g., peer review and recruitment processes at).

At ۲ݮƵ, theEquity Team in the Provost Officework towardpromoting equity in all areas of academic life.They collaborate with different offices to “ensure that our institutional equity commitments are woven through practices, policies, and priority-setting throughout the University.” [26]Studies in psychology and sociology have shown that we all possess, to different extents, implicit biases ‒ defined as unconscious associations of stereotypes and attitudes with a particular group.[]These biases are dictated bya number offactors, including (but not limitedto), time, capacity andthe social environmentto whicheach individualisexposed(e.g., cultural or religious influence).[]Takethecreated by Harvard researchers todiscoveryourbiasesas a first step in consciouslymodelingyour perceptions and behaviours.[]You may be surprised by the contrast between your conscious egalitarian values and your implicit ones.It is important to understand that biasesaffectconventions, whichinfluence outcomes, that further reinforce biases! This cycle can be broken by examining bias, relating it togreater systems of inequity and challenging bias thoughts and behaviours.

While policies exist at most Canadian organizations, it remains our responsibility as citizens, colleagues, peers, friends, or neighbours to support and respect eachother’s rightsto be treated fairly, to be recognized for our abilities, to be respected and appreciated for whoweare,,and to provide necessary support for those of us who remainaffected by marginalization. The day we no longerhave toask if we are sufficiently inclusive, diverse,or fair, is the day these principles would have become the norm, rather than a remarkable exception.

Quick Guide to Promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

  1. Know yourrights as a ۲ݮƵ student, employee, and citizen while respecting those of others
  2. Review ۲ݮƵ’sStrategic Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Planand see where you can effect change.[25]
  3. Confront your biases and prejudice and accept that unconscious biases impact your perceptions and behaviours. Check outto learn about interventions to reduce your bias.
  4. Examine your documents, conventions, syllabi and reading materialsandactonanyunder/ misrepresentations.
  5. Commit to learning more about the different forms of oppression that affect you and the people around you: Exploitation, Marginalization, Powerlessness, Cultural domination, and Violence.
  6. Benefit from the cultural diversity at ۲ݮƵ to learn about other existing cultures, religions, and perspectives on local and global issues.[]
  7. Participate in groups, associations or projects where you can engage in constructive dialogues about topics within or beyond your expertise or comfort zone.
  8. Connect, listen and learn from books, events, movies, and people‒especially thoseewhoseexperiencesdifferthan yours[]
  9. Be an agent of change: act when witnessing discriminatory behaviour or human/student rights violations
  10. Beopen to other perspectives, andbeing challenged onideasor experiences that feel new
  11. Ensure that accessibility is prioritized in organizing efforts to ensure that all community members can participate without(or with limited)barriers; this requires checking in about people’s access needs.
  12. Use and promote assertive self-expression during a group discussion (assertive self-expression is a direct, firm and positive way of communication that promotes equality in person-to-person relationships
  13. Treat others the way they want to be treated‒The Platinum Rule[]

Taking Action

Professional Development & Training

  • Checkfor upcoming workshops and programs by searching for events tagged with this category: equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • Workshops–۲ݮƵ Equity Team in the Office of the Provost: provides workshops for staff and faculty to build capacity on equity-related topics
  • Workshops – Teaching and Learning Services provide workshops for students to build their capacity on equity-related topics.

Gaining Experience

  • Participate in ۲ݮƵ Equity Team events and initiatives.




  • Equity at ۲ݮƵ:equity education and resources for support
  • a list of equity tools, training and resources to learn more about diversity and equity.
  • – University of North Carolina Writing Centre.
  • Information on the Mohawk Nation (Kanien'kehá:ka) and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy–
  • Learn more about
  • Theoffers resources for leaders and educators that help them transform their systems and environments to be more equitable
  • The EAB has created arelated to equity and anti-racism to help foster important dialogues on campus

Groups & Associations

  • ۲ݮƵ Equity Team in the Office of the Provost:aims to ensure equity is a key consideration in all decisions affecting academic life at ۲ݮƵ
  • ۲ݮƵ Joint Board-Senate Committee on Equity:recommends University policy that strives to promote fair access to academic and employment opportunitiesfor groups that face systemic barriers
  • : an organization that works towards the advancement and inclusion of women and girls with disabilities and Deaf women in Canada.
  • a social organization that spreads awareness, and initiate dialogue and action to promote diversity and inclusion.

Books, Articles & Reports

  • ۲ݮƵ Equity Blog/equity/further-reading/equity-blog
  • Banaji, M. R., & Greenwald, A. G. (2013).Blindspot: Hidden biases of good people. New York:DelacortePress.
  • Kaplan, M., & Donovan, M. (2016).Inclusion Dividend: Why Investing in Diversity & Inclusion Pays off.
  • Liswood, L. A. (2010).The loudest duck: Moving beyond diversity while embracing differences to achieve success at work. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Steele, C. (2010).Whistling Vivaldi: And other clues to how stereotypes affect us. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.


[1], [9] United Nations (2016).

[2], [3] [7] [8]Equity at ۲ݮƵ


[5] [6]Clow2012

[7] [25]۲ݮƵ Strategic EDI Plan 2020-2025

[10], [11]Mannix, E. (2005).

[12]. Eisenkraft, H. (2010).

[13] Collins, P.H. (2015).

[14] UN Women Watch (2000).

[15]Dovidio, J.F. (2002).

[16] Godsil, Rachel D. and Richardson, L. Song. (2017).


[18] Young, M. (2011).

[19] [20]Equity at ۲ݮƵ

[21] [22]Binkley, M. (2011).

[23]Alberti, R.(2008).

[24] Alessandra, A. J., & O'Connor, M. J. (1998).

[26]Equity at ۲ݮƵ - About Us

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