Urquia, Marcelo L., Vang, Zoua M. and Francisco Bolumar (2015). "Birth Outcomes of Latin Americans in Two Countries with Contrasting Immigration Admissions Policies: Canada and Spain." PLoS One 10...
Vang, Zoua M. and Susan E. Eckstein (2015). "Toward an Improved Understanding of Immigrant Adaptation and Transnational Engagement: The Case of Cuban Émigrés in the United States." Comparative...
Vang, Zoua M., Elo, Irma T. and Makoto Nagano (2015). "Preterm Birth among the Hmong, Other Asian Subgroups and Non-Hispanic Whites in California." BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth 15:1-10. Doi: 10...
July 2015 | Congratulations to our recent PhD, Christine Proulx. Her paper, co-authored with her doctoral thesis supervisor Céline Le Bourdais, “Impact of Providing Care on the Risk of Leaving...
July 2015 | Amélie Quesnel-Vallée was interviewed on Ici Radio-Canada’s Les années lumière concerning international and historical trends in morbidity and mortality. The interview aired on June...
Amm Quamruzzamam won the 2015 best Graduate Student Paper in the Canadian Sociological Association’s “Sociology of Development Research Cluster” for his paper, “Economic Growth or Good Governance:...
Alarie, Milaine. and Jason T. Carmichael. 2015. "The “Cougar” Phenomenon: An Examination of the Factors That Influence Age-Hypogamous Sexual Relationships Among Middle-Aged Women." Journal of...