Dr. Annette Majnemer awarded the 2017 Pfizer Research Award of Excellence
Dr. Annette Majnemerhas been awardedthe 2017 Pfizer Research Award of Excellence by the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundationat a special celebration held at the P.K.SubbanAtrium. The award recognizes exceptional work of MCH researchers, as recognized by their peers. Dr.Majnemer’scareer accomplishments, such as her many publications and funding support, including the recent CHILD-BRIGHT project funded by the Canadian Strategy for Patient-Orient Research (SPOR).
Dr. Majnemeris also featuredin a special issue of Chez Nous Magazine, highlighting this year’s recipients of awards, where they stated:“At Pfizer, we see, firsthand, how researchers play a vital role in our lives. We are committed to ensuring that all Canadians have timely access to best-in-class treatment and quality healthcare, which is why we are pleased to recognize Dr. Annette Majnemer and her work as principal investigator in the CHILD-BRIGHT research network.”
More information on Dr.Majnemer’sawardcan be foundon .