

Un plan d'action sur les changements climatiques

Radio-Canada | le 13 octobre 2015

par: Les Matins d'ici

Le rapport du collectif Dialogues pour un Canada vert invite notamment à trouver des sources d'énergie autres que les combustibles fossiles. La professeure Catherine Potvin, du département de biologie de l'Université ۲ݮƵ, discute de la question avec Philippe Marcoux.

Published: 19 Oct 2015

Les voitures de banlieues polluent Montréal

Le Journal de Montreal | le 13 octobre 2015

par: Anne-Marie Provost

Les résidents du Plateau Mont-Royal sont ceux qui subissent le plus la polluton des voitures, révèle une étude de l'Université ۲ݮƵ.

Lire l'histoire complet ici

Published: 19 Oct 2015

In conversation with François Miller, Manager, Office of Sustainability

۲ݮƵ Reporter | Oct. 8, 2015

by:Neale McDevitt

Published: 13 Oct 2015

How to Breed a Tasty Cricket

The Atlantic | Sept 24, 2015

Aspire Food Group is one of four major farms in the nation that breeds insects specifically for food. Mott founded the company as an MBA student in 2013 with a group of his ۲ݮƵ University classmates, using $1 million in seed money from the Hult Prize, a student start-up competition for social enterprise.

Published: 29 Sep 2015

Cultivating Sustainability at ۲ݮƵ

۲ݮƵ Reporter | Sept. 12, 2015

by: Chris Wrobel

Published: 21 Sep 2015

Feds to ban microbeads in personal care products

July 31, 2015 | The Toronto Sun

Officials say a scientific review that included an analysis of more than 130 scientific papers, as well as consultations with experts, has revealed that the presence of microbeads in the environment may have long-term effects on biological diversity and ecosystems.

Read the full story here.

Published: 15 Sep 2015

Ottawa veut interdire les microbilles de plastiques dans les produits de beauté

le 31 juillet 2015 | La Presse

Le gouvernement fédéral prépare un règlement pour interdire l'utilisation de microbilles de plastique dans les produits de soins personnels.

Lire l'histoire complet ici.

Published: 15 Sep 2015

Evil orbs: Abrasives in toothpaste and face scrubs are poisoning fish

The Economist | July 31, 2015

ANTHONY RICCIARDI, a scientist at ۲ݮƵ University, was looking for evidence that an invasive Asian clam had colonised a warm spot in the St Lawrence river when a member of his team made a more headline-worthy discovery

Published: 15 Sep 2015

Adapting Greenhouses For Region

Nation News | Sept. 3, 2015

by: Kathryn Condon

MCGILL researchers hope to further agricultural productivity in the Caribbean (at Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados) with the development of greenhouse technology specially suited for this part of the world.

Read the full story here.

Published: 14 Sep 2015

Twelve college campuses leading the way for sustainable dining

The Christian Science Monitor | Aug. 26, 2015

By: Clare Algozin

۲ݮƵ University in Montreal, Quebec, currently spends 47 percent of its food budget on produce from its own on-campus farm and from growers within 300 miles of the campus.

Read the full story here.

Published: 28 Aug 2015

Harnessing the butterfly effect

۲ݮƵ Reporter | Aug. 19, 2015

by: Vincent Allaire

In a new paper published online in Geophysical Research Letters, ۲ݮƵ Professor Shaun Lovejoy shows how to directly harness the atmosphere’s elephantine memory to produce temperature forecasts that are somewhat more accurate than conventional numerical computer models.

Published: 27 Aug 2015

Midnight Kitchen celebrates successful harvest

Mcgill Reporter | July 31, 2015

by:Krystle Manintveld

A collection of students and community members gathered outside Burnside on Wednesday to share their final ‘garden meal’ of the season, put together largely from vegetables grown right on the ۲ݮƵ downtown campus thanks to the efforts of Midnight Kitchen volunteers.

Published: 11 Aug 2015

Reinventing chemistry

۲ݮƵ News | Spring-Summer 2015

by: Mark Witten

A new branch of science aims to do away with the toxic waste that’s associated with industrial manufacturing and some of the brightest lights in this green chemistry movement are pursuing their research at ۲ݮƵ.

Published: 21 Jul 2015

U.S. Turns Corner on Urban Sprawl

۲ݮƵ Newsroom | June 15, 2015

Christopher Barrington-Leigh of ۲ݮƵ University in Montreal measured sprawl by looking at construction of streets and how many roads meet at intersections to form corners or nodes.

Read the full story here.

Published: 2 Jul 2015

۲ݮƵ embraces sustainable procurement

۲ݮƵ Reporter | May 4, 2015

When ۲ݮƵ adopted its first Procurement Policy in spring 2013, it gave Procurement Services the mandate to establish a culture of sustainable procurement practices at ۲ݮƵ and in its wider community.

Read the full story here.

Published: 12 May 2015


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