

Congrats to Kaila Bonnell on her new publication on Disability and Health Journal

March 5, 2021,Kaila Bonnell, Emilie Michalovic, andDr.

Published: 20 Mar 2021

TIE lab student Zhiyang (George) published an article on Orbitexercise website

January 13, 2021,TIE lab student Zhiyang (George) Shi published an article on theOrbitexercisewebsite. Orbitexerciseaims toaddress numerous health topics to encompass different people’s contexts. One of the founders of Orbitexercise, Kaila Bonnell, has worked as an undergraduate student at the TIE lab between 2018 and 2019.

Published: 29 Jan 2021

Meaghan Osborne starts her undergraduate honors thesis at the TIE lab

October 1st, 2020, Meaghan Osborne startsdoing her undergraduate honor thesis at the TIE lab. Her thesis looks at the theoretical basis of physical activity maintenance. Let's know more about Meaghan and her research:

Published: 9 Nov 2020

Congrats to TIE lab student Zhiyang (George) Shi on passing the PhD comprehensive exam

October 2nd, 2020, TIE lab student Zhiyang (George) successfully completed the oral defense for the Ph.D. comprehensive exam. There were some great discussions between Zhiyang and the committee members: Dr. Shane Sweet, Dr. Gordon Bloom, and Dr. Aliki Thomas.

Published: 6 Oct 2020

Congratulations to TIE lab member Natasha Kaushik, for completing her Master's of Arts degree

Sep 15th, 2020,Congrats toNatasha Kaushik, who completed her Master’s of Artsdegree in Exercise and Health Psychologyunder the supervision ofDr. Shane Sweet. Natasha’s thesis was entitled,“Exploring the physical activity experiences of women with a physical disability in India”.

Published: 15 Sep 2020

TIE lab and Yunnan University, School of Physical Educationheld an online symposium

August 27th, 2020, TIE lab in collaboration with Yunnan University (China), School of Physical Education held an online symposium.

Published: 6 Sep 2020

Congrats to TIE lab student Zhiyang (George) Shi on publishing his Master's thesis

Congrats to TIE lab student Zhiyang (George) Shion publishing hisMaster's thesis "Exploring how Chinese adults living with spinal cord injury viewed the prospect of inpatient peer support programs within a hospital-based rehabilitation setting" onSpinal Cord.

Published: 27 May 2020

TIE Lab welcomes Emma, Lauren, and Jessica joining as undergraduate summer students.

Summer2020, Emma, Lauren, and Jessica join TIE lab as undergrad summer students. They will be participating in manyresearch projectsthis summer. We believe that their intelligence and passion will support TIE lab during thischallenging COVID period. Welcome!

It's time to know more about them:

Published: 22 May 2020

Dr. Sweet gave a virtual presentation in the CRIR's "Talking Research" series

May 8th, 2020, TIE lab directorDr.

Published: 8 May 2020

Congrats to TIE lab member Dr. Meredith Rocchi on completing her postdoc journey

Dr. Meredith Rocchi started her postdoc at the TIE lab in August 2016. She actively engaged in multiple research projects in the lab and provided fellow students with mentorship. Now, Meredith will be starting her new job at the University of Ottawa as an assistant professor. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

Published: 9 Dec 2019

TIE Lab presented their research at the ISCOS 2019 conference in Nice, France

Nov 5-7, 2019, the 58th International Spinal Cord Society Annual Scientific Meeting (ISCOS 2019) was hosted in Nice, France. TIE lab co-director, Dr. Sweet and PhD student Zhiyang Shi presented their peer mentorship research on behalf of the community-university partnership team.They also had a chance to exchangeideas with researchers and health professionals from different countries. Well done, TIE lab.

Published: 12 Nov 2019

Congrats to TIE lab members on presenting their research at SCAPPS 2019

Oct 17-19, 2019, the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) annual conference was heldin Vancouver, British Columbia. TIE lab members presented their work at the conference and enjoyed the time there. Shannonand Laurahad great oral presentations. Natasha, Emilie, and Zhiyang all did a great jobpresentingtheirown posters. TIE lab undergradstudents, Kailaand Meaghan, had amazing poster presentations as well.

Published: 22 Oct 2019

Dr. Shane Sweet gave a talk on the SSHRC research program at the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital

October 2nd, 2019, TIE lab directorDr. Shane Sweet gave a talk on the SSHRC Spinal Cord Injury Peer Mentorship Research Program at the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital (JRH), Laval. Hetalkedabout the workhis team has done and exchanged ideas with the hospital stafffrom the JRH.

Published: 3 Oct 2019

Congrats to TIE lab member François Jarry presented at the SSHRC Storytellers contest

June 3rd,TIE lab member Françoiswent to Vancouver to present hisresearch project at the 2019 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences as one of the Top 25 finalists in the Storytellers contest. Click here to see his excellent performance.

Published: 13 Jun 2019

Dr. Shane Sweet and TIE lab students presented their research at Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation

May 16-17, 2019, the 3rd Quebec Congress in Adaptation-Rehabilitation Research was heldat the Centre Mont-Royal, in Montreal, Quebec. Dr. Shane Sweet presented his research titled "Impact of joining an adapted physical activity program on participation in daily and social activities and social isolation“. TIE lab studentsKaila, François, and Zhiyang presented their research posters at this conference too.

Published: 19 May 2019


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