
Arts Dissertation Awards 

The Arts Insights Dissertation Awards recognize excellence in doctoral research in the Faculty of Arts and will be awarded at the Arts Faculty Meeting in April/May 2024.Ìý PhD students who defended their dissertation during the previous calendar year may be nominated for this award. Since 2011, two awards are given: one in the Humanities and one in the Social Sciences. The Committee on Graduate Studies invites nominations from the Faculty. Only one nomination per department will be considered..

Required Dossiers

Dossiers must include:

  • a letter of recommendation from the GPD, which must indicate either a humanities or social sciences nomination and explain the selection process;
  • reports of the internal and external examiners; a copy of the candidate’s CV;
  • a copy of the dissertation’s Abstract, Table of Contents, first chapter and one other representative chapter,
  • a copy of the unofficial ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ graduate transcript.

Please address your nomination letter to the Committee on Graduate Studies and submit it by email to adr.arts [at] mcgill.ca, no later March 8, 2024


Please contact adr.arts [at] mcgill.ca or 514-398-1447 if you have any questions.

Arts Graduate Student Teaching Award

The Faculty of Arts Graduate Student Teaching Awards are designed to recognize outstanding teaching in the Faculty by graduate students and will be awarded at the Arts Faculty Meeting in April/May 2024

Eligibility and Nomination

All full-time Arts graduate students in good standing who are Teaching Assistants or Course Lecturers are eligible for this award. Any student or member of the academic staff may submit a nomination. Three awards of $500 each will be made.

DEADLINE: March 8, 2024.

Please address your nomination letter to the Committee on Graduate Studies and submit it by email to adr.arts [at] mcgill.ca.


Please contact adr.arts [at] mcgill.ca or 514-398-1447 if you have any questions.

Arts Internship Awards

The Faculty of Arts Internship Program allows ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ University to offer the kind of global exposure that simply cannot be replicated in the classroom.


ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ University is deeply committed to ensuring that our students are provided with every possible opportunity to make the most of their undergraduate years and to provide them with the necessary tools so they will be sought after by both the best graduate schools and employers. Internships are an ideal way for students to translate their classroom experience into real-world situations and gain valuable experience related to their field of study.

To reach the Faculty of Arts Internship home page, click here.

To go directly to the Arts Internship Awards page, click here.

Awards for Faculty and Staff

Arts Award for Distinction in Research

The Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies) presents this award annually to a faculty member who has made outstanding research contributions to their field. The award alternates between "emerging" and "senior" scholars.

Nomination Procedures

Nominations require a cover letter (2 pages maximum) identifying the nominee and describing the candidate's research achievements, and a copy of the candidate's full curriculum vitae.

Nominations are solicited from Chairs and Directors, but may also be submitted from departments’ awards committees or from other members of the academic staff.

Departments are limited to one nomination.

Deadline:Tuesday, April 11th, 2023.

Please submit nominations electronically to kathleen.holden [at] mcgill.ca (Kathleen Holden).

Arts Award of Excellence for Administrative and Support Staff

This award is conferred every year, however, alternating between ranks (one year to management staff and one year to clerical/technical staff).

Nomination Procedures

Early in March a memo from the Dean is sent to all staff requesting nominations for the Arts Award of Excellence to acknowledge outstanding performance and achievement by members of the Administrative and Support Staff.

Nominations require a detailed letter of support, signed by a minimum of five (5) individuals of which one may be a student. All members of the Faculty of Arts may support a nomination, that is, academic, clerical, managerial and technical staff, as well as students registered in a Faculty of Arts department. The letter of support should profile the nominee's contributions to the Department, the Faculty, and the University.

For further information, please contact richard.courtois [at] mcgill.ca (Richard Courtois), Director of Administration.

H. Noel Fieldhouse Award for Distinguished Teaching

The H. Noel Fieldhouse Award for Distinguished Teaching is designed to recognize outstanding teaching in the Faculty of Arts, and is awarded each June at Convocation.

Nomination Procedures

All full-time academic staff in the Faculty of Arts are eligible for this award.ÌýAny student, alumnus, or member of the academic staff may submit a nomination. The Arts Prizes and Awards Committee requires for each nominee a completed at least one nominating letter from a current or former undergraduate or graduate student, and at least one nominating letter from a fellow faculty member.

Letters should specify what, in the nominator's opinion, constitutes distinguished teaching.Ìý Please include supporting evidence drawn from the nominee’s teaching.Ìý When referencing specific courses please include the course number and the year.

Please submit nominations by email to kathleen.holden [at] mcgill.ca (Kathleen Holden).ÌýShould you have any questions, reach out to her.

Dean of Arts Development Fund

The Dean of Arts Development Fund (DADF) provides essential funding for programs such as internship awards, research internships, and student advising, as well as numerous events, research projects, and publications by students and faculty members.

For more information, refer here.

Li Ka Shing Arts Initiative

Through a special partnership between ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ’s Faculty of Arts and the College of Liberal Arts of Shantou University, exchange opportunities are available for students and scholars from both institutions to share expertise, form research collaborations, and explore the distinct cultural, political and intellectual traditions of Canada and China. All programs are generously funded by the Li Ka Shing (Canada) Foundation.

For a complete description of the programs available, visit the Li Ka Shing Arts Initiative website.

ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ International Experience Awards

The ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ International Experience Awards provides students with the opportunity to study abroad. Students are able to participate in academic activities that can range in length from one semester to a full academic year, including internships and field research trips, and courses abroad.


Logo of Miea
The ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ International Experience Awards (MIEA) were established in 2013 through a donation by Joseph Schull and Anna Yang. The MIEA includes the Schull Yang International Experience Award and other awards supported by other donors and matched by Joseph Schull and Anna Yang.

The MIEA provides students with the opportunity to study abroad. Students are able to participate in academic activities that can range in length from one semester to a full academic year, including internships and field research trips, and courses abroad.

The MIEA benefit students in the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Law, and all other faculties through the Office of the Deputy Provost (Student Life and Learning). Each faculty administers its own awards; we encourage you to browse through the website and discover the different opportunities available.

For a list of all opportunities for students in the Faculty of Arts, visit the MIEA website.

Moyse Travelling Scholarship


Founded by the late Right Honourable Lord Atholstan, to commemorate the "splendid services of Dr. Charles E. Moyse, for forty-two years Professor of English, during sixteen of which he was Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Vice-Principal of the University." Two scholarships, tenable for one year, are to be awarded. One scholarship will be awarded for distinction by the Faculty of Arts and the other for distinction by the Faculty of Science. The values for each Faculty will be approximately $10,000.

If there is no winner in one of these faculties, both scholarships may be awarded to applicants in the other faculty. Although this is highly unlikely, in the absence of applicants of sufficient merit in either of the faculties, applications from final year students in other undergraduate faculties, or from graduate students may be considered.

Full applications will be accepted from B.A. students who graduate in Fall 2024 or in Winter 2025.

Holders must devote the year of tenure to advanced study, preferably in a British or European university, but not to the exclusion of other institutions approved by the Faculty of Arts or the Faculty of Science.

Competition Procedure

Application Deadline: March 31, 2025.

Award Value: Approximately $10,000

How to apply: 

Letters of application, whether from graduate or from students in the final year of the undergraduate course, should reach the Faculty of Arts Office (c/o scholarships.arts [at] mcgill.ca) no later than March 31, 2025.

All documents must be submitted in PDF format.

Applications should be sent by email and should be accompanied by:

  1. The names of two referees who are familiar with the applicant's work, who have been asked by the applicant to write to the Associate Dean (c/o scholarships.arts [at] mcgill.ca) on the applicant's behalf. These letters should stress the academic and scholarly qualities that make the individual applicant outstanding in comparison with other students;
  2. The letters of reference themselves (it is the applicant's responsibility to have letters of reference in place to complete the file); References should be sent directly to scholarships.arts [at] mcgill.ca;
  3. A detailed and comprehensive statement of the applicant's proposed course of study including the institution or centre at which he or she proposes to study;
  4. An official ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ Transcript if the applicant is not in the current graduating class;
  5. A statement indicating other sources of graduate funding acquired or are possibly available to the applicant.

**Please include your contact information (e-mail address, telephone number and mailing address)**

Students should only apply if their CGPA is above 3.50 and only if they are available for an interview (should an interview be held) some time in early May 2025.

Schull Yang International Experience Awards for Graduate Travel

* Please note the Schull Yang International Experience Award will not be offered for the 2024-2025 academic year **

The Schull Yang International Experience Award, supported by Joseph Schull (BA ‘82, MA ’85) and Anna Yang (BCL, LLB ’88) helps undergraduate and graduate students gain first hand international experience related to their fields of study. The award provides full or partial funding to assist students with tuition, travel and other expenses related to their international experience.


Logo of Schull Yang
The Schull Yang International Experience Award for Graduate Travel is part of the ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ International Experience Awards. For more information, please visit here.

This award supports research travel for archival research or fieldwork lasting at least one at least one (1) month. The research or fieldwork must be directly required to complete a MA-Thesis or PhD program. Please note that this program does not offer funding for conferences

Competition procedures

Application Deadline: September 29, 2023.

Award Value: Up to a maximum of $5,000


  • You must be are travelling outside Canada for archival research or fieldwork for a duration of at least one (1) month.
  • Travel must take place before April 30, 2024.
  • You must be registered as a full-time MA-Thesis or PhD student in the Faculty of Arts at the time of application.
  • You must be a returning student who will register full-time in the MA or PhD program for at least one (1) semester upon completion of your travel.
  • You are required to disclose any travel-related funding that you already obtained or pending for the proposed fieldwork or archival research and explain why the funding requested from the Schull Yang program is (also) necessary for your degree.

How to Apply:

Submit the following materials in a single PDF file by email to adr.arts [at] mcgill.ca

  • The attached application form, signed by you, your supervisor, and your Graduate Program Director
  • A copy of your most recent unofficial ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ transcripts
  • CV
  • A copy of your ethics certificate (if your research involves human participants, animals or the use of biohazard materials)

Selection Criteria

  • Recipients are competitively selected based on the following criteria:
  • Academic excellence
  • Community involvement and commitment to giving back to the community
  • Professional development and potential to become global leader


Decisions concerning the awards will be made by November, 2023 by the Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies.

If Your Application is Successful

After your trip is completed, you must submit a report letter and supporting documentation (photos, tables, results) to your administrative unit and with copy to the Associate Dean Research (adr.arts [at] mcgill.ca). The letter and supporting documentation is to be shared with donors to show them your appreciation, give them some details of the international experience they supported you for, and provide them with information on the impact this experience had on your personal/academic/professional development. In addition, this letter might be used as an article on the Meet our Students Page of the MIEA website, to showcase the inspiring international experiences of MIEA awardees. Please see the ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ International Experience Awards (MIEA) Handbook (pages 2-3) for more information on how to complete this report. The letter and supporting documentation is due within two weeks following the completion of your international activity, and no later than June 1, 2024.

  • You will be required to complete a Travel Registry Form on Minerva, and attend the ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ Pre-Departure Orientation Session.
  • A copy of your most recent unofficial ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ transcripts
  • CV
  • A copy of your ethics certificate (if your research involves human participants, animals or the use of biohazard materials)
  • Academic excellence: You must demonstrate a level of commitment to the completion of their studies and a high standard of academic achievement in your chosen field. You must also explain the objectives of the proposed research trip and why is essential for your thesis.
  • Community involvement and commitment to giving back: You must show current involvement with the ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ community through extra-curricular activities, or in professional settings related to your field of study. You must also demonstrate how your international experience will impact your community and field of study.
  • Professional development and potential to become global leader: You must demonstrate the relevance of the international activity to your professional development, or an interest in pushing the scope of your academic discipline into a professional context.
  • You will be asked to submit documentation according to ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ International Experience Awards Handbook. You will receive a list of required documents by email.
  • You are required to familiarize yourself with the information presented in the ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ International Experience Awards (MIEA) Handbook (see here)

Undergraduate Arts Research Internship Awards (ARIA)

The purpose of Arts Research Internship Award (ARIA) is to support students who undertake research during the summer under the direct supervision of a faculty member. Where possible, students should also be permitted to obtain academic credit for the research internship through the appropriate course offered by a department.

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