
Abstract Guidelines - 2024

General Guidelines

  • Only students/trainees are permitted to submit an abstract. (One must be enrolled in a university to be considered a trainee)
  • The first author is considered the primary and presenting author.
  • Only 1 abstract may be submitted per first author.
  • The abstract must be submitted by the first author/presenting author.
  • Registration is mandatory! Youmust complete a registration form prior to submitting an abstract.
  • Previously submitted abstracts (to the Cardiovascular Research Day) willnot be accepted.
  • You must select the appropriate category for your abstract, either “Basic Science” or “Clinical or Population Health Research”.
  • You must indicate at least 3 keywords, up to 5.
  • Please indicate your preferred presentation style of oral or poster presentation (or both).
  • Abstracts will be allocated to either oral or poster presentation based on the author’s preference, blinded peer review evaluation and the organizing committee’s final decision.
  • The Scientific Planning Committee may encourage an oral presentation.
  • Any accompanying supervisor or colleague (i.e. who plan to attend) must complete a registration form as well.

​Abstract Guidelines

  • The word limit is 400 words, excluding the title.
  • Author’s names and affiliations do not impact the word count.
  • Any abstract exceeding 400 words will be cut to length without notice.
  • No tables or figures may be included in the abstract.
  • No references, credits or grant support should be included in the abstract.
  • You must follow the general accepted structure of an abstract

Background: A brief statement of the purpose of the study.
Method: A statement of the method(s) of investigation.
Results: A summary of the results presented in sufficient detail to support conclusions.
Conclusion: A brief statement of results reached – it is not acceptable to state “the results will be discussed”.

  • All abbreviations must be spelled in full the first time they appear, with abbreviations in parenthesis. Please keep abbreviated terms to a minimum.
  • Use numerals to indicate numbers except to begin sentences.
  • Use non-proprietary (generic) names for drugs.
  • Do not include the names or any personal information from patient participants.
  • Abstracts containing identical, or nearly-identical, sentences, paragraphs or sections of a previously submitted abstract will not be eligible for an award or an oral presentation.
  • You are responsible to proofread your abstract. No spelling or grammar verification will be made. Note that abstracts will be published without any editing (except for length)
  • Other research members (non-trainees) are also encouraged to submit their research asposter abstracts only. Note that your abstract will not be eligible for an award and all of the above abstract guidelines also apply to your submission.

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